Random story idea - interfering with a racial war
So, the question is how can you stop a war or minimize the damage it does, without putting yourself in too much danger? In the dream what I decided to do was kidnap a bunch of the more pacifistic people from both sides and place them at a new settlement from which they would be unable to live, and would have the opportunity to learn to respect each other and get along. Meanwhile either the kidnappings would distract the government enough to delay the start of the war, or perhaps the most violent-minded people would kill each other off. Or a few strategic assassinations could be carried out. I don't know, do you think this would make a good game plot? What would you want to do to solve this problem if you were the main character? I was thinking the setting would be a low tech feudal or renaissance culture but with fairly developed magic tech.
I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.
I'm vague on all of this, but my understanding is that WWI was caused by Austria-Hungary's over-reaction to the assassination of their leader by rogue Serbian terrorists. The networks of alliances that kept a balance of power in Europe were scared into mobilising their forces. From this point, war couldn't be stopped without massive concessions of power. Such concessions were unacceptable to either side.
The resulting war left Germany poor and powerless. They were promised various things to encourage them to surrender, but many of these promises were broken. That must have been used to justify and amplify German paranoia. The same paranoia that drew empires into WWI was reinvigorated in Germany - gaining ever more weight and popular support.
Paranoia means erring on the side of preemptive action - acting on the slightest signal of danger. That's, of course, very dangerous when the stakes go beyond half a billion lives.
Darwinist ideas were widely discussed, extrapolated upon and corrupted during the 20th Century. I'll only touch on a few key points:
1) Survival of the fittest.
2) Competition for resources is most fierce between species (or races) that are most closely related - because they fill the same niche.
3) If species are to grow, competition for resources is inevitable.
Hitler was somewhat of a war hero in WWI. He volunteered for the most dangerous job: runner. He received medals for serving his country. He had long been unstable for various reasons, some of which I've mentioned. I'll briefly add that he failed his loving parents, becoming a failed artist and later homeless prior to WWI. There's too much to try to cover.
Hitler's later actions were terrible and inhuman, and overshadowed any redeeming qualities he might have had. But it's worth looking at the whole picture if we wish to learn anything.
So, the question is how can you stop a war or minimize the damage it does, without putting yourself in too much danger?[/quote]
[color="#1C2837"]Sometimes that's not possible.
. 22 Racing Series .
That could be a cool setup for a logical thinking puzzle sand-box. The problem is, that kind of sand-box -- where you can carry out all sorts of socially disruptive actions -- requires a quite in-depth social, political and strategic simulation.
Exactly. I've little faith that such a game would be convincing.
You could have the player running some sort of pirate media program (radio or TV) to spread your hippy message of peace and love. Maybe sneaking from place to place to set up and broadcast, maybe breaking into media outlets to broadcast using their equipment.
You could sneak around the streets putting up posters or (though I hate to encourage this in any medium) graffiti while evading patrols / curfews of some kind.
Maybe you could be sneaking around trying to turn the web (and social media) back on. Or add a third race to the mix, and your job is to convince them to step in as peace-keepers. Or to totally destroy the tone I've gone with up to now, make it a more comical game, switch street signs, edit maps, spike the food in barracks/camps with booze or drugs and watch the tanks go merrily off the wrong way. Just brainstorming

That could be a cool setup for a logical thinking puzzle sand-box. The problem is, that kind of sand-box -- where you can carry out all sorts of socially disruptive actions -- requires a quite in-depth social, political and strategic simulation.
Well, a simulation is not necessarily the only option. I was thinking more like an action-adventure game, but with more of a branching storyline that allowed the player to select what goal they were trying to accomplish and use any of several methods to accomplish that goal. There would be some simulation aspects in the "multiple methods to accomplish any goal" such as destructible walls and bombs, but not a simulation to the extant that NPCs would be independently wandering around building up their armies like RTS enemies.
I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.
When I read your idea my mind jumped straight to a Splinter Cell / Bond style game. Sabotage around barracks, assassination of leaders etc. Problem is this is more likely to be a catalyst for the war than anything else, particularly if the fearless leaders are even slightly media-savvy. Blaming everything on the other side (proven or not) is a time honoured tradition after all. Then I thought a little more about 'media-savvy', and the current situation in Egypt/Jordan/Tunisia/Libya and started wondering how to turn that into a game.
You could have the player running some sort of pirate media program (radio or TV) to spread your hippy message of peace and love. Maybe sneaking from place to place to set up and broadcast, maybe breaking into media outlets to broadcast using their equipment.
You could sneak around the streets putting up posters or (though I hate to encourage this in any medium) graffiti while evading patrols / curfews of some kind.
Maybe you could be sneaking around trying to turn the web (and social media) back on. Or add a third race to the mix, and your job is to convince them to step in as peace-keepers. Or to totally destroy the tone I've gone with up to now, make it a more comical game, switch street signs, edit maps, spike the food in barracks/camps with booze or drugs and watch the tanks go merrily off the wrong way. Just brainstorming
Drugging NPCs was one of my first thoughts but I hadn't thought of messing with street signs or maps, that would be a nice addition. The game you describe here does seem very interesting, I'd like to see someone make a game like that. But I personally don't do modern settings. I'd pick a setting that was pre-printing presses and newspapers, so 'media savvy' would be more like gossip, speeches, eavesdropping, possibly sneaking into a building to steal papers, and being sensitive to morale.
I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.