
Robot voice* Im Still Alive

Started by February 23, 2011 01:48 AM
7 comments, last by Gaiiden 13 years, 6 months ago
Well im still alive and kicking and still able to participate in the XNA workshop. Still have net and power which is a lot more than most. i guess its about time to buy that lottery ticket now.
"No challenge in life is insurmountable, one can always learn the answer."
Glad to know that you're safe.
Total carnage in the Central Business District. Everywhere has been smashed in one way or another. Just got our water back which is a bonus, although we are being told not to use the water for showers or baths or flushing as sewer lines are all smashed, but we can drink it which is good.
"No challenge in life is insurmountable, one can always learn the answer."
Rather scary, the world seems to be falling apart around us mellow.gif

although we are being told not to use the water for showers or baths or flushing as sewer lines are all smashed, but we can drink it which is good.

So you can drink but you can't pee it out again ;)
Kinda like being allowed to smoke provided you don't exhale.
Dan Marchant - Business Development Consultant

[quote name='Psyentist' timestamp='1298442653' post='4777856']
although we are being told not to use the water for showers or baths or flushing as sewer lines are all smashed, but we can drink it which is good.

So you can drink but you can't pee it out again ;)
Kinda like being allowed to smoke provided you don't exhale.

Haha nice analogy. But at lest im one of the lucky ones, I still have all the first world luxuries while some are still camping out in Hagely park (The big park in the center of the city). We are being told not to go into the city, in fact they have said they will arrest anyone inside the city without proper clearance. The army is here, the air force is here, the navy is here, hell everyone is here. Our second largest building, "The Grand Chancellor" hotel is going to fall any minute now it sunk 3 meters in 10 minutes and everyone within 1.5km's of it is being order to evacuate. The state of that hotel means rescue efforts cannot be conducted in that area as it is too dangerous.
"No challenge in life is insurmountable, one can always learn the answer."

The state of that hotel means rescue efforts cannot be conducted in that area as it is too dangerous.

That's really unfortunate. I hope anyone trapped/hurt around there is able to get out before it gets any worse.

I just skimmed through an article on saying that rescuers used a hacksaw to cut the leg off a man who was trapped and would have died if they hadn't done it. That's pretty crazy. Kudos to that guy for gritting his teeth and living to see another day...

I just skimmed through an article on saying that rescuers used a hacksaw to cut the leg off a man who was trapped and would have died if they hadn't done it. That's pretty crazy. Kudos to that guy for gritting his teeth and living to see another day...

Indeed, Kudo's to the man. I'd rather lose my leg than die. Also, if they'd done the "wait and see" thing and tried to get the wreckage off the man without operating, in a hope to save the leg, he probably would have died from Crush Syndrome.

It's remarkable that all of this is happening around us (Christchurch, the issues with Political unrest and protests in the Middle East), and yet someone is still whining about getting punched by a Cop he provoked... (Click Here)
Good to hear from you Kiwis! I do hope we didn't lose anyone. Best wishes for you all out there recovering

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

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