
Something for Everyone?

Started by February 17, 2011 04:44 PM
21 comments, last by BaltazarDZ 13 years, 9 months ago

It can be done. Not only can it be done, but it can even save development time. In my judgement the question on
evaluation, i.e. "whether it can be done", is closed.

Since you're asking us to trust your judgement, could you provide some qualification for it? What makes you capable of making such a statement so authoritatively that you don't need to provide evidence or even rhetoric? Or are you just talking out of your ass?
Anthony Umfer
Re: typedef struct

In my post I deleted a few lines. The original first paragraph was like this:

"I don't have the charima nor the motivation to convince the others that it can be done. So just between you and me, the question on evaluation: i.e.
whether it can be done, is closed. The remain question is on design: i.e. how it can be done."

I deleted it because I realized that if I said "between you and me", I could be misunderstood as thinking that no one else so far understood that it
could be done. Therefore, I am not asking you to trust my judgement. I am trying to give the OP assurance that if this thread becomes a debate and
stays on the question "whether it can be done", it would just be a waste of his time.

I don't have a reason to convince anyone else. It is not my priority. If later on I explain it and you happen to read it, they you will know it. If I don't
explain, why would you care anyway? This isn't even something you want to do. If you don't even believe in the design, what is the point of my
explaining about the design tools?

But the bottomline is: Why would I care if you don't understand it?
I have not read your first post, but I will reply nevertheless :D The thing is I wouldn't play it. I wouldn't play it because I don't like the concept of a game for everyone and even if you managed to make one that is super excellent and would be loved by me I would not play it because I would not know about it. I would simply ignore such a game and you would have no chance of marketing it to me.

I could give more reasons, but that one is the most accurate. As a player I would just ignore such a game.

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Just think of it like this: Trying to please everyone is like trying to balance spinning plates on sticks. One plate/stick combo is pretty lame. Two is good, Three is risky, but still awesome. Try adding four or ten or twenty-nine and then they will start falling and cracking. The more people you try to please the easier it is to not please them. It's best to stick to a moderate amount and just focus all your energy onto a few things than the vast majority. That is why people specialize instead of being generalists.

If you had four guys who were alright at coding/art/music/design/writing, or four guys that only know their respective field, but know it better, which is going to perform better?

Overall, it's a noble thought to make "Something for Everyone" but to do so is very hard and hardly ever goes as planned. I'm not telling you this to break your dreams or anything, but more to aim your creativity in a better direction, I guess?

Anyway, it's an opinion of mine, so take it lightly like with all other opinions.

PS: Remember SPORE? They did something similar, take a look at that.

Just think of it like this: Trying to please everyone is like trying to balance spinning plates on sticks. One plate/stick combo is pretty lame. Two is good, Three is risky, but still awesome. Try adding four or ten or twenty-nine and then they will start falling and cracking. The more people you try to please the easier it is to not please them. It's best to stick to a moderate amount and just focus all your energy onto a few things than the vast majority. That is why people specialize instead of being generalists.

If you had four guys who were alright at coding/art/music/design/writing, or four guys that only know their respective field, but know it better, which is going to perform better?

Overall, it's a noble thought to make "Something for Everyone" but to do so is very hard and hardly ever goes as planned. I'm not telling you this to break your dreams or anything, but more to aim your creativity in a better direction, I guess?

Anyway, it's an opinion of mine, so take it lightly like with all other opinions.

PS: Remember SPORE? They did something similar, take a look at that.

Another game to look at would be The Saboteur. That game tried to be way to many things all at once. The end result was kind of a mess.

PS: Remember SPORE? They did something similar, take a look at that.

SPORE is not as bad as people often make out. Yes i did die inside once ihad played but that was because of my expectations above anything else. Each"level" or section of the game was relatively good, especially theinitial two levels, but they were all very basic. In the end it was obviouslyaimed at a much younger audience, which yes is rather stupid for such a"complex" genre, and several people who were around 10 at the time ofits release loved it to bits. There are things to be learnt from SPORE but ithink that’s mostly from a marketing point of view in my opinion.

Anyway before i go on to much about SPORE I'll to back to the originaltopic.

Would there be a market for it? Yes probably, CO-OP gaming is becoming morepopular and this fits snugly into that, the wide range of appeal could be agreat selling point as well.

Would it be expensive? Yes to be done properly anyway. Chances are you wouldneed to create your own engine and unlike other games you will have to makeseveral very good games instead of just one. This could mean, if you have fourgenres in a game, you will have to have four games that could stand uprelatively well on their own.

Is it possible? Yes i would think so but as i kind of said before it’s justa case of time and money. You would also need some very talented programmers etc.for it to work smoothly.

Would i play it? Personally i have always wanted to design/play a game likethis so yes i almost certainly would, if it was done well of course.

As for my general thoughts on the game you described i would have to agreewith most of the other posters. It’s very complex the nature of it would meanyou would be inevitably tempted to add more elements to the game which wouldalmost certainly ruin it in the end. This sort of project would require you tobe very very strict with what you do and how you do it, even more than youwould have to be when you design a "normal" game. If i was you iwould at least attempt to design you own standalone game for each of the genresyou intent to use instead of jumping in at the deep end as it were. You couldplan to do what CCP are doing with EvE and DUST "random number i never remember"i.e. make one game that’s a space based MMOG then later create another, in thiscase an FPS, that has some form of indirect effect on the MMOG and visa-versa.There even issues with that but it may work a lot better in the end than an allin one game.

In terms of game-play there would need to be several tweaks from what youhave said. In the RTS sections i would be tempted not to make them classicRTSs, I’m thinking mainly about the ground one, but to make them almostRainbow6 or even the Savage series style of games. One of the FPS players is a"commander" and can call in certain support/create buildings/giveorders but the whole time there’s very much on the ground and part of theaction not just sitting over-viewing the battle. The other elements would, inmy opinion, need to be largely independent from each other in a sense. Havingan amateur city builder or in fact not having one at all at the current timewould not penalise a 4X player to much and make the game impossible for the 4Xplayer. Also what would happen if it took a few weeks to build a perfect cityonly to have it destroyed a day later by another faction? There’s a reason theSim City doesn't have another player storming your city with troops at random.

The more i think about it the more i think it is doable but also the overreliance on a guild like system and thus limit the appeal of such a game to adegree. It may work better as a single player but that would probably requirecutting back in areas.

" It would be an MMO space game"

Well you've already lost me as a player. I don't really have the time to play MMOs, and space is probably my least favorite setting for a game.
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Yeah I thought about this a little while ago. I'm making a game at the moment (no name yet but based on elite/frontier). I have more than 750 million star systems all totally different with individual planets. My aim is to be able to land on said planets and leave the ship and interact with the environment. But I was thinking along the lines of everything that could be done with it and thought of an amazing idea......

I think the best way to do what you're thinking of is to have something like what I've been doing but having some sort of content creation tool in-game so that people can all program extra content for the game that everyone else can use too. Imagine on one of my worlds someone creates a Colin Mcrae style Racing track. Anyone that wants to play a racing game could then go there, Pay the creator to race there (ingame currency maybe) and off they go. That way some worlds with have cities with Bowling alleys, dance clubs, casinos etc. Could even become so successful that game companies would start making games for not only the pc/wii/ps3/xbox etc but also for "The Galaxy Platform" LOL. Think of it as a cross between Elite/Grand Theft Auto/Second Life etc :rolleyes:

edit...I think second life tries to do this but it just doesnt work at all well. grand theft auto 4 has some success in it and i sometimes load that up now just to play pool for a laugh :blink:
I'd like to make my comment on something else than how possible and complex it is.

I'm more inclined to agree sunandshadow. It wouldn't be really a game for everyone. It would be a compilation of several games together. And I personally think it wouldn't be something for everyone.

People don't like too much complexity. As they say less is more. And this type of installment would just add unnecessary things to games that people are used to play. It would be something similar to sports festival. It's fun to gather for that type event once in a year for a few days. But the longer and more complex it is the less people will understand what their actual individual goal is.

The most complex thing here isn't the engine. It's how to merge all these games together in a way that players wouldn't feel restricted and confused. As example I would like to present you with a situation: A match is lost. FPS players feel like they did their best but lost due to the faults of the RTS players. And it repeats over and over. How to handle the frustration that would arise? If any of the games would limit the possibilities of others then the players would stop playing it. And if we remove any type of limits then what is the point of merging them together.

This post isn't meant to discourage or offend in any way. It's meant to point to a problem I see within this idea and I'd like to hear how this could be prevented. If a mechanism to actually pull this off would be found then it would make one epic gaming universe.
"If you try to please everyone, it'll probably suck." -- Orville Redenbacher.

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