I have one question that always bugs me. It might be considered the de facto standard for pathfinding in games to use search algorithms such as Dijkstra and A* (or any A* variants). Couple it with a decent map representation and you already have a navigation system. In fact, I always resort to this mechanism when implementing pathfinding. However, I also notice that in the field of Computational Geometry, there are some algorithms to find the shortest path between two points in a 2D or 3D environment. As the field name suggests, their approaches are geometrical. Here are some paper examples of the aforementioned techniques (I'm not sure if their free copies are available on the internet though).
- [font="arial"]M. Sharir and A. Baltsan. On shortest paths amidst convex polyhedra. Proceedings of the second annual symposium on Computational geometry, ACM, 1986, 193-206.
- [font="arial"][font="arial"]M. Sharir and A. Schorr. On shortest paths in polyhedral spaces. SIAM Journal on Computing, SIAM, 1986, 15, 193-215.
- [font="arial"][font="arial"][font="arial"]P. K. Agarwal, R. Sharathkumar, and H. Yu. Approximate Euclidean shortest paths amid convex obstacles. Proceedings of the twentieth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SIAM, 2009, 283-292.
So my question is, why does the AI approach seem to be more appealing to the game developer community? What is the limitation of the geometrical approaches? I suppose it's about their rather simple obstacles, which usually only consider simple, but not necessarily convex, polygons or polyhedra. But then again...anybody has an opinion?
Thank you.