
Good 2D Graphis Library?

Started by January 03, 2000 03:53 PM
2 comments, last by Mdn 25 years, 2 months ago
I’m debating over whether or not I should learn DirectDraw. Does anyone use a 2D graphics library other than DirectDraw, Open Source or not? I would prefer the library if you recommend one not to be a wrapper of DDraw itself. :) btw if you''ve seen this post on general graphics discussion, my mistake. I meant to post it here:) Thanks
Well, Allegro is a solid API released for DJGPP. It supports Mode X and various standard SVGA modes. OpenGL can also be used to program in 2d.

I personally like ClanLib, but it''s a wrapper for DirectX. At least when you compile a Windows target.
Where would I find this ClanLib? I''ve been looking for a decent wrapper for awhile now.
ClanLib is
Allegro is

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