2 Questions 1)DDraw Clipper 2)DInput mouse pos
1) Ok I know how to set the clipper to use a window. what I need to know is how to use it for an offscreen surface. I''ve seen an artical on this be for but can''t rembember were.
2) ok I''m using windowed mode and I need to know where the pointer is when I create the mouse device. the mouse pos in my app is offset by where the pointer was when created. So how can I find its pos?
The Great Milenko"Don't stick a pretzel up your ass, it might get stuck in there.""Computer Programming is findding the right wrench to hammer in the correct screw."
There is a message sent by Windows to your program every time the mouse is moved. It is something along the lines of WM_MOUSEMOVE: just look at the documentation.
- mallen22@concentric.net
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- mallen22@concentric.net
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