
Multiple targets...

Started by January 01, 2000 11:40 PM
9 comments, last by ViPeR007 24 years, 9 months ago
acw83, first of all me writing this reply is how bored I am currently because i normaly could careless about attacks on wealthy authors;) But I will have to say that Andre Lamothes books(Windows Game Programming for Dummies(my first game programming book) and Tricks of the Windows Programming Gurus) are great, especially for people like me who has never had any previous contact to the game programming industry....I am a CS major(due to graduate shortly) and have had plenty of experience with business type applications(BORING!) If(or should I say when) I graduate I plan on having a nice little portfolio of game demos to send around, I have fallen in love with game programming and i can honestly say it was a stroke of pure chance that I was walking by the book store and just happened to see Windows Game Programming for Dummies and bought it just for kicks and now has turned into a full time obsession....anyway I am done rambling, time to hit the sack

later and good luck

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