
Anyone Familuire With The Colleges in New Jersey?

Started by October 17, 2010 01:50 AM
4 comments, last by ajm113 14 years ago
Hello all, I'm taking a trip from Arizona to New Jersey and I'm considering on moving there. Can anyone point me out good colleges that I should look into in New Jersey? I'm looking for maybe a collage that's near or around Newark and I want to get an associates in IT.

I'm looking for maybe a small college if possible, and I was wondering if there are any disadvantages to maybe on a student loan or something since I plan on starting collage after I move there.

Thanks, I would appreciate any help! :)
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Well, you would be only 20 minutes from NYC, do you have all of New York to consider.

There are plenty of good colleges within an hours drive ( NYU, Princeton, etc.). But for an associates in IT, those are probably out of your price range.
Nobody wants to live in New Jersey, even people from New Jersey. NewJersians all wish they either lived in NYC or Philly. Philly has a lot of colleges, some of them are even pretty good.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

I have degrees from Rutgers and The College of New Jersey.

I know a lot of people from both schools that have become really successful. TCNJ got *me* personally a way better job -- I got recruited to Merrill Lynch out of tcnj, along with about 25% of the other CS graduates (we only graduated about 12-13 people that year).

I'd say that's pretty good placement.

There is Seton Hall and NJIT in Newark, as well as a Rutgers Campus. From what i've seen, though, it seems like Rutgers graduates get better jobs than SH and NJIT.
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NJIT is a good choice for an associate's near Newark.

And New Jersey is not a bad place to live, despite it's reputation outside of the state. The Jersey Shore nonsense is only a small part of the state, and really more Staten Island than New Jersey.
Thanks for your information and I'm sorry I toke so long to get back. I will be looking up "The College of New Jersey" it does look like a nice school. I'll have to make a visit there.

I wanted to ask you guys if you know a school called "New Horizon(s)" which is supposed to be some sort of IT school. I hear from my mom that it's in Edison which would be cool if I could just walk to it since I hate driving, but I'm not so sure about it. I just don't want to get screwed over and so far I can't find any information about it online or even a website.
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