
input to character translation on the mac

Started by October 12, 2010 10:39 AM
0 comments, last by JoeCooper 13 years, 11 months ago
Hello, I have recently begun to write a program to convert key presses into on screen characters, The documentation "Introduction to supporting unicode input" advises against the use of deprecated functions like UCKeyTranslate and advises use of Cocoa text instead. Does anyone know why Apple would rather have you use cocoa text and if possible can you point me towards any useful tutorials to help me with my program. Thanks.

Isn't UCKeyTranslate an Apple API?

Apple tends to change their API and you have to put some effort to keep up. They have no qualms deprecating all kinds of things and occasionally won't even tell you.

When they do something new, they often shed old code so they don't have to expend resources maintaining it.

I actually can't find UCKeyTranslate in my documentation or even Google (except for forum posts about it) so I'm not really sure what it does...

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