Original post by owl
Quoting Sarkozy:Quote:
We cannot accept, in our country, women imprisoned behind a mesh, cut off from society, deprived of all identity. That is not the French republic's idea of women's dignity.
Is France entitled to follow such philosopy? I wonder why not?
If you think a woman in a burqa has no identity, then try spending some time with her. She is still human, she still has a face, she still has a personality. And if you open your eyes at actually Look at the Person, then maybe you will actually see them, and not just the fabric they Protect themselves with.
I remember reading about an experiment based on this. A group of guys were gathered, and their goal was to learn as much as they could about a woman in a 5 minute sitting with them in a speed dating kind of deal. The woman came in, some dressed to make Daisy Duke feel conservative, and some dressed in long loose clothes with head scarfs. Later in the test some of the Daisy girls came back dressed like the other women and repeated the test (Giving another name.)
Not one of the guys noticed when they met the same girl twice, but remembered more about who she was and what she was like (Different stories for different names) when they weren't distracted by excessive amounts of flesh.
*Note: A husband who Forces his wife to do anything should be taken out to the woods and shot like the worthless animal he is.