
MFC CMap to STL?

Started by August 22, 2001 11:18 AM
1 comment, last by stefu 23 years, 6 months ago
I need to convert a part of MFC-code to non MFC. I'm trying to convert it to use STL class map. MFC: CMap cvtobonemap; to STL: map cvtobonemap; CMap has member function void InitHashTable( UINT hashSize ); Can't find similar in STL map? I Also get many warnings when compiling: c:\ohjelmatiedostot\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xtree(200) : warning C4786: '?rbegin@?$_Tree@JU?$pair@$$CBJPAVBone@@@std@@U_Kfn@?$map@JPAVBone@@U?$less@J@std@@V?$allocator@PAVBone@@@3@@2@U?$less@J@2@V?$allocator@PAVBone@@@2@@std@@QAE?AV?$re verse_bidirectional_iterator@Viterator@?$_Tree@JU?$pair@$$CBJPAVBone@@@std@@U_Kfn@?$map@JPAVBone@@U?$less@J@std@@V?$allocator@PAVBone@@@3@@2@U?$less@J@2@V?$allocator@PAVBone@@@2@@std@@U?$pair@$$CBJPAVBone@@@3@AAU43@PAU43@H@2@XZ' : identifier was tru ncated to '255' characters in the browser information Strange. And there are dozens of similar warnings. What is that loooooong identifier? edit: Ooops, I found example, it disables that warning: #pragma warning(disable:4786) Edited by - stefu on August 22, 2001 12:21:57 PM
There is no ''InitHashTable'' in an STL map because the STL map is not implemented as a hash table. It is possible to find ''hash maps'' in some implementations, but not the one that comes with Visual C++. Generally, you don''t need to worry about how the map is implemented.
Thanks, I''m almost done with converting.

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