My team is holding a research on "Planning in Multiagent Systems". Our work in planning will be based on the work of Santiago Ontanon e.i HTN
We have read: Introduction to Planning in Multiagent Systems(2009) it gave us a good introduction to the multiagent planning problem as a whole. We have searched for multiagent in RTS games and here is what we found:
- A Multi-agent Potential Field based bot for a Full RTS Game Scenario
- A Scalable Multi-Agent Framework for Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
- Demonstration of Multi-agent Potential Fields in Real-time
- Using Multi-agent Potential Fields in Real-time Strategy
We are willing to know what is the current state of Multiagent Systems in RTS Games (e.i where it is applied, latest developments, talks, references, etc..)
Any help will be highly appreciated,