Original post by Hodgman
Secondly, criticising a religion is free speech, but encouraging violence against one is hate speech. One of those is a prized value of our society, one is an intolerable crime.
First, I do not regard anything I have said as qualifying as hate speech. Second, in the US, according to wiki, "Even in cases where speech encourages illegal violence, instances of incitement qualify as criminal only if the threat of violence is imminent." In Canada, cases that actually reach courts as opposed to just federal or provincial human rights tribunals are similarly limited as in the US.
Talking about nuclear pre-emptive strikes against a race, religion, etc, makes you look like part of a hateful, confused lynch mob (that deserves to be in jail), not a level-headed critic simply exercising their rights.
It is a logical conclusion of applying a utilitarian approach--small tactical nuclear devices would limit casulaties while severely sapping, through image destruction, the power of a religion that causes and will cause untold suffering and has the potential of eventually overrunning Western society, Western values, and Western culture. By the news article I posted about those NATO officials, I am not alone in this line of thinking.
You can't blame political correctness or mis-use of human rights for this. This isn't some "soft jihad". This is plain and simple xenophobia.
The soft jihad is very real and now well documented.
You're a racist - defend that.
Doubt it--I've dated girls from most races (not to mention that the majority of Islamists are Caucasian--the same race I happen to belong to).
Also, going back to your conspiracy theory...
I have no conspiracy theory. Islam is not a conspiracy. It is a cancerous meme, much like other religions, but one carrying a much deadlier payload.
Some religious extremists from a fractured terrorist network kill a few thousand, and now we know their entire religion is planning world domination.
We know Islam is intent on world domination because it's in its teachings to subjugate the infidels, kill the apostates, and put the world under the umbrella of sharia law.
...but when the government of a superpower kills millions, that's not worthy of a world domination conspiracy?
Next you'll be telling me that 9/11 was an inside job...
Look, I'm sorry to be presenting an inconvenient truth, but don't shoot the messenger for goodness' sake