Original post by Sourcej0hn1
Hey guys,
I recently started getting my feet wet in game design, I'm taking classes in Java and c+. I have an intense love for games and I have all these great Ideas that I want to implement. However, my friend is an artistic lead at EA, and he told me that finding software engineer jobs is really a thankless quest, and in fact, the money one would make is not really worth it. I am an artistically inclined person, but I have always had a dream of being a programmer or an engineer. What career advice can you guys offer? I have been researching pay and scale, but would really like some input from people who actually do this for a living. Thanks ahead of time!
Yes, you are correct. Software Engineering is not a job for life time. I currently read an article talking about "age discrimination" in this industry. This industry don't like old guys. Well, in fact you will earn less after you pass age 40 as a programmer or developer. If you don't want to lose your job after 40, you need to be either very good at coding or get to manager level. Well, If you can get a less challenging job, why not?
On the other hand, programming could be just a fun thing to do for some people. If you are that type of person, then I think programmer is just the right title for you. Or you can always keep programming as a hobbit.