
What Distribution?

Started by September 06, 1999 11:33 AM
1 comment, last by D 25 years, 6 months ago
This question is raly bait for a flamewar, BTW

Rather than recommend a distribution (I use SuSE 6.2 and Mandrake 6.0 for the record) I'll just point out that generally speaking, if something works for one distribution it'll work for most others.

=> Arfa <=

=> Arfa <=
Heya all, I was wondering what Distribution of linux to get for my new computer? I have narrowed it currently to 3 different versions for developing programs on, they are Debian, Caldera and Red Hat, Could people give me their opinions on which one to get? And which one is easiest to setup/program etc.

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Daemin(Dominik Grabiec)
Sorry, for doing this, but I'm closing this thread. I don't want people arguing about what distro is better, as we all have our different opinions on that (personally, I'm a RedHat fan).

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