
Game Engine wish list

Started by September 05, 2010 10:07 PM
1 comment, last by larvantholos 14 years, 3 months ago
I have 2 wishes which I hope that Unity may consider to include them as optional tools for the game engine. They should be money making in my opinion.

1) a better Terrain Tool (can be sold separately)
According to my knowledge, it seems that no game engine so far in the market can provide a Terrain tool which can join up different Terrain maps together. This will do a great help to the designers who demand large maps in RPG based games.

And technically speaking, it's not that difficult to make the tool. It is just some smart calculation of adjacent heightmaps, together with a smoothing tool which allows the world builders to smoothen the terrains (usually mountains) between adjacent terrain cells (in Unity each terrain cell is 2km x 2km by default).

2) A fantacy game 3D character generator. In almost all the new MMORPGs, a 3D character generation/creator is included in the game which allows players to get a unique 3D toon, such as the one in the MMORPG game named Aion is almost a perfect example.

Again, no other game engine ever provides this as optional parts of the engine. And I think that this should be money making because it saves mass of time for the less rich (thus less fund) designer, game writters to get their 3D toons.

For example, in my own RPG games I need like 8 models, namely a pair of humans, elves, dwarves, orcs. So I need to spend perhaps a year to craft these models (as I am not a professional artist), worse still the time spent won't guarantee that I'll get the toons pretty enough to be commercial.

If however, such a tool (as already in WoW, Aion and etc.) is sold as a commercial package to allow the designers to generate the toons with basic animations. It not only does a great help, but also should find it commercial value to exist.

I think that you can make large amount of money by doing something the market is in demand while other will not do it because the lack of awareness. Provided that they are actually not that difficult to achieve technically speaking.
1) Checkout Stitchscape (I don't know if this will work with Unity 3 or not.)

2) I think that's getting a little too specific for what is meant to be a "generic" game engine. Of course, if you spent the time to create one (which is entirely possible,) people may be willing to purchase it from you for use in their own games ;)
Humble people don't refer to themselves as humble (W.R.T. "IMHO".)
Have you checked out the unity website recently? Keep in mind the engine is not supposed to do those things, and there ARE those tools available on the market already. However - In terms of unities terrain tool, you can generate and use height maps with it, or work on your own terrain base in your 3d tool of choice. You can also model and script your own character creation setup - they have an example of how to do this on their website right now.

Unity 3.0 is around the corner with rumored to be released at the end of the month, I'd expect it to include some upgrades to some of the existing features.

Because the terrain editor is an extension, I don't see any reason why it couldn't be modified to do more specifically what you want, but you could also model the terrain in another program for a much larger seamless map, generate the height map from it, load it into unity, and then model in paths or other things that might be a bit harder to do with the conversion.

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