
Feedback for my concept art and modeling

Started by September 04, 2010 02:00 AM
11 comments, last by sparkysavar 14 years, 5 months ago
Hey everyone! I'm new here, but have been working in the game industry for a few years. I'd just like to get some feedback from some other artists on my most recent concept art. Thanks a lot, any sort of feedback you have would be great.

This batdragon character is still in progress with rigging, and so the modeling itself can't really change anymore, but feedback on this would be great for next time!







dragon head refined

bat dragon color 2

bat dragon color 3






Some of my personal character illustrations n' stuff


pierot color

rosaline color 8

Bell Color 5

Lung Color 7

I'm still learning how to digital paint, model and rig characters well. I went to school for animation and am also trying to pick up tips around that as well. Hope you enjoy and comment, thank you again!

[Edited by - sparkysavar on September 4, 2010 2:26:19 AM]
My website and art blog!WebsiteArt Blog
Not bad. Use of color is pretty interesting. But the anatomy needs work...the extream wide stance on the rear legs of the red dragon creature...the weird leg length differences in the last "danceing" figure. Except for the head the CG bat-dragon model looks nothing like the concept art. Just keep at it, refocus on getting the basic anatomy down (both figures and creatures) and you will improve dramatically.
Thank you for the feedback. I agree with your comments. Just might be a good idea next time to think about how you critique, as this was frankness that a less experienced artist might have a problem digesting, especially if they're just starting out and need encouragement.

But overall, thanks. Just thought I'd bring that up.
My website and art blog!WebsiteArt Blog
More things that are cool! I'm still working on this piece, but would really love feedback. Thanks!

wood element dragon WIP 3
My website and art blog!WebsiteArt Blog
These are gorgeous man :) I love the dragon, how he's kinda elegant and ferocious all at once. I really like these, they've got heart. For someone starting out with digital painting, these are fantastic - I love the tree one, the texture of the bark is very convincing, what's the story with this one?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ikaroids, the space shooter for X-Box -
Hey thank you! :) There is no real story except I wanted to create five dragons that correspond with the five Chinese elements, and this was the second one I'm doing, the first one I will probably redo as well.

Glad you enjoy my stuff!
My website and art blog!WebsiteArt Blog
Well awesome - looking forward to the Water Dragon! I just really like the Earth one, I can imagine it pulling its roots up when it goes to business town :D
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ikaroids, the space shooter for X-Box -
I'm warning you, don't screw up the Metal Dragon! :P
I'm not an artist. I would love to be though, so take my comments more as a game player.

Love the characters in the pic with 2 people (girl left, boy right). Use of colours there is great.

I really like the tree dragon.

The bat dragon looks a little odd, especially the back legs after the red one.

I like the way you paint, especially on the first few images and those two characters.
3d/ 2d artist here. I think you have some very interesting designs. The problems i see with alot of concept creation out there today is reuse of old design and not much play with standard concept. People really dont seem to take risks with video game art too much anymore for the most part. There is a fine line however as to creating someting new and yet still have a practical design. Anatomy plays a big part in how things move and how they can be animated. Having a strong understanding as to how muscle and bone work together as well as how creatures are constructed to obtain balance while doing the things they do. To kind of wrap up dont be afaid to do crazy things with your designs. Make creatures and characters that turn heads yet have look of a being well thought out mechanically as well. One thing that really helps to have is the eyewitness type books on human and animal anatomy. they can give you a great look as to how animals and humans in the real world are put together and there movement abilities and limitations. Anyway keep at it, as you probably realise quality takes time and practice.
Some people will tell you to keep your head out of the clouds. I say the view up there is much better then if it were up your...

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