
Would anyone happen to know why the following code won't work...

Started by August 19, 2001 06:39 PM
0 comments, last by SCTW 23 years, 6 months ago
I am trying to open a RAW graphic file in VB, which I am able to open in Paint Shop Pro. If anyone know why or could provide some help, it would be greatly appreciated. Private Sub Form_Load() Dim offset As Long Dim red, blue, green As Integer offset = 1 Open App.Path & "\homekit.raw" For Binary As #1 For X = 1 To 256 For Y = 1 To 256 Get #1, offset, red offset = offset + 1 Get #1, offset, blue offset = offset + 1 Get #1, offset, green offset = offset + 1 Picture1.PSet (X, Y), RGB(red, blue, green) Next Y Next X Close #1 End Sub
Tell us what the problem is. Are you getting some kind of VB error or just not seeing the image in the picture box?

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