Original post by WitchLord
From what I've seen, AS is quite close to C++/Java -- While this looks great to you, as a real programmer, designer types most often aren't programmers. It may or may not be the case that your scripters and level designers (who may simply be you, yourself) are comfortable with "real" programming languages, so be sure you're choosing a scripting solution that's easy and intuitive for that audience, not just yourself.
This is a comment that I've seen quite often, and I can't quite understand it. The difficulty in programming is normally not the language but the logical thinking required to make it do what you want.
Someone with absolutely no programming experience will be able to learn pretty much any language just as easily, given that he has documentation and examples to learn from.
The difficulty in learning scripting for a game or application is definitely not the language, but rather the interface that the game or application exposes to the scripts.
The difference between statically typed and a dynamically typed language is the trade-off between compile time verifications versus runtime verifications. It may require a bit more up-front thinking from the programmer to write a correct program, as the compiler will not accept wrong types, but on the other hand there is much less runtime troubleshooting needed to fix incorrectly written programs due to mismatching types.
Without really wanting to turn this thread into a "merits of Angelscript" or "static vs. dynamic typing" I thought I'd respond to this one point.
The role that scripting fills, from an architecture and design standpoint, is mediating between the left-brain folks (developers) and the right-brain folks (designers). Catering to those two roles, any scripting language should be easily and powerfully embeddable into the host application (to satisfy developers) while also being able to express structures and concepts in simple and natural terms for designers.
Developers think of variables in terms of their properties -- Its an integer, its a floating-point number, its 32 bits, its 64 bits, its signed, its unsigned, etc because these are the details that matter to them. Their entire relationship with variables is formed around what it is capable of representing and how it does that.
Designers think of variables in terms of what they hold -- an enemy, and ammunition count, an inventory table because the minutia doesn't matter to them. In a designer's eyes, variables are just buckets -- a place to put things and retrieve them later.
You make a good point that the bulk of a designers work is not in interfacing with the core scripting language itself, but in expressing their goals through the API that the engine exposes through the scripting language. From what I've seen of AngelScript, and mind you I'm not that up-to-date on it, it appears to be mostly limited to expressing data, control structures and logic, and doesn't make too many great strides to express concepts at a higher level than those found in the languages which have inspired it, so my charge is not that AngelScript is too hard, but that the C lineage of languages from which it has taken its inspiration is intimidating to non-programmers and also carries a not-insignificant amount of baggage and mis-steps (if not outright mistakes) that I hope AngelScript has had the good foresight to not propagate.
This last part goes to the last paragraph I quoted, and also to points the OP has responded with regarding the performance of dynamically-typed vs statically-typed languages:
Its true that statically-typed languages have long-been the well-known perveyors of type-checked goodness, but static typing is not necessarily a prerequisite for the "correctness" and execution-speed benefits that static-typing has historically been associated with. We've grown to think of things in these terms because type-checking, and all that comes along with it, is far easier to do in statically-typed languages because, from a variable's inception until its final destination, we have errected guard posts marked "'int's only!" all along its path and you only have to go as far as the nearest guard-post to determine a variable's true type at that moment (presuming that the guard-posts are trustworthy). All those benefits are achievable in a dynamically-typed language, however the burden of proof required to be a certified 'int' is higher and more difficult to prove; no longer is the word of the last guardpost good enough, but you must prove that it is impossible, within the context of the program, that the variable standing in front of you is anything other than an 'int'. Certainly this is a much taller order, and one which may not be within reach of many scripting systems (particulalry interpretted or JITed ones), but it can be accomplished as part of the compile process, whether that is to real machine code or to VM bytecodes. In a perfect world, and if we are free to be blissfully ignorant of the underlying platform (as we should be in any scripting system), we would enjoy a sort of "mixed typing" where we users could treat a varaible as a simple bucket and let the compiler determine which type(s) a variable may be during a particular stretch of the execution path. This would allow types to "flow" without paying the overhead of genericity at all times.
Finally, you make a point that having a statically-typed language makes one think harder about types and about the architecture which enforces those types, ending with the implication,as I read it, that dynamic types are somewhat haphazard and dangerous, almost by design -- I don't believe that to be the case. If anything, I think that dynamically-typed languages require more thinking and planning than statically-typed ones, and at a level more akin to data-flow than simple API specifications. Normally, thinking harder would be a hard wrap to beat and make dynamic-typing a bit of a leper, but it also comes part-and-parcel with generic programming, making the codebase more fluid and avoiding the type-rigidity of strictly-typed languages. Its true that dynamic typing does make possible some truly eggregious type-errors that will only appear at runtime, passing a float to a function meant to concatinate two strings for instance, but those who frequently program in dynamically-typed languages will all tell you that this is not the type of mistake they frequently make -- and when they do, the cause is usually all too appearant. Compare this with the devilish "type" errors that can happen in an OOP language where some subclass satisfies the interface of its base, but not the intended semantics (not an inheritance example, but say you meant to provide a Compare predicate (talking C++) to std::sort providing strict weak ordering (<) on some type, but which actually provided semantics equivilent to '<=' for example). Strict-typing can be a powerful tool, where it fits, but it comes at the cost of sometimes-excess rigidity of design and still doesn't solve the subtle and difficult-to-diagnose problems that can occur where non-builtin types are used. This is why I don't see static-typing as a compelling feature for a scripting language in most use-cases.
All of that being said, it sounds as if the OP has a rather atypical use for your scripting language in mind which, from the sound of it, is to drive some sort of application almost entirely from script, and if static-typing and all that comes with it (both good and bad) is the price to be paid currently, because current dynamically-typed languages don't offer similar execution speed, then so be it. It sounds like a good choice.
Typing, whether static or dynamic, is something that needs to be understood and embraced whatever situation you find yourself in. Both have their merits and pitfalls. I think we'll see more and more applications-level programming languages move toward dynamic typing though; combined with the type of analysis and optimizations I mentioned above. The potential for less regidity, higher re-use and eschewing of low-level details is just too attractive to pass up for anything which isn't running on actual silicon.