
Reversi/Othello Alpha-Beta-Pruning

Started by May 14, 2010 02:28 AM
2 comments, last by alvaro 14 years, 6 months ago
Hi there, I got an instance of a reversi gameboard up and running but I am having trouble implementing a simple alpha-beta pruning algorithm for determining the best move. So far I have implemented a basic Min-Max algorithm to do just that, and so far we think it does what it was supposed to do :) As I have now spent a lot of time on this particular matter and I dont seem to get anywhere, I thought I could ask you pros. The algorithm looks like this:
public int evaluate(int depthleft, int maxplayer, int actualplayer, long stime, int safetytime, int timeout, int alpha, int beta) throws TimeoutException
		long ctime = System.currentTimeMillis();
		if (timeout !=-1 && ctime-stime >= timeout - safetytime)
			throw new TimeoutException();
		if (depthleft==0)
			return this.evaluateSituation(maxplayer);
		ArrayList<int[]> possibleMoves = this.getPossibleMoves(actualplayer);
		if (possibleMoves.size()==0)
			LLGameBoard copyBoard = this.clone();
			return copyBoard.evaluate(depthleft-1, maxplayer, enemy(actualplayer), stime, safetytime, timeout, alpha,beta);
		int bestEvaluation = (actualplayer==maxplayer) ? MINIMUM_EVALUATION : MAXIMUM_EVALUATION;
		for (int[] move : possibleMoves)
			//copy board situation and make move
			LLGameBoard copyBoard = this.clone();
			copyBoard.makeMove(actualplayer, move);
			int evaluation = copyBoard.evaluate(depthleft-1, maxplayer, enemy(actualplayer), stime, safetytime, timeout, alpha, beta);
			if (actualplayer==maxplayer)
				//max plays
				if (evaluation>bestEvaluation)
					bestEvaluation = evaluation;
				//min plays
				if (evaluation<bestEvaluation)
					bestEvaluation = evaluation;
		return bestEvaluation;

I know the general idea of alpha-beta pruning, but for some reason I am unable to implement it in this specific method. Hope there is epiphany soon. Thank you very much for helping! EDIT: Ok, I've made a few changes and changed the algorithm to a negamax model. The thing is, I don't know whether I'm doing the right thing :)
public int negamax(int depthleft, int maxplayer, int currentplayer, long stime, int safetytime, int timeout, int alpha, int beta) throws TimeoutException
		long ctime = System.currentTimeMillis();
		if (timeout !=-1 && ctime-stime >= timeout - safetytime)
			throw new TimeoutException();
		if (depthleft==0)
			return this.evaluateSituation(maxplayer);
		//get all possible moves for currentplayer
		ArrayList<int[]> possibleMoves = this.getPossibleMoves(currentplayer);
		//if there's no move for currentplayer to be done
		if (possibleMoves.size()==0)
			//pass, a.k.a enemy will use the same board as actualplayer
			LLGameBoard copyBoard = this.clone();
			return -copyBoard.negamax(depthleft-1, maxplayer, enemy(currentplayer), stime, safetytime, timeout, -beta, -alpha);
		//iterate over all possible moves
		for (int[] move : possibleMoves)
			LLGameBoard copyBoard = this.clone();
			copyBoard.makeMove(currentplayer, move);
			int evaluation = -copyBoard.negamax(depthleft-1, maxplayer, enemy(currentplayer), stime, safetytime, timeout, -beta, -alpha);
			if (evaluation>=beta)
				return beta;
			else if (evaluation > alpha)
				alpha = evaluation;
		return alpha;
I'd be very grateful if someone, who actually knows what he's (I'm not :)) doing, could give me a short feedback. Thank you. [Edited by - AwesomeSauce on May 14, 2010 5:36:16 AM]
Assuming that code works and that you are calling it correctly, you only need this change:
			if (actualplayer==maxplayer)			{				//max plays				if (evaluation>bestEvaluation)				{					bestEvaluation = evaluation;					alpha = evaluation;					if (evaluation>=beta)						break;				}			}			else			{				//min plays				if (evaluation<bestEvaluation)				{					bestEvaluation = evaluation;					beta = evaluation;					if (evaluation<=alpha)						break;				}				}

Quote: Original post by alvaro
Assuming that code works and that you are calling it correctly, you only need this change:
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It's negamax, so the code should be written as if it's always seen from the maximizing player.
Quote: Original post by lingfors
Quote: Original post by alvaro
Assuming that code works and that you are calling it correctly, you only need this change:
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It's negamax, so the code should be written as if it's always seen from the maximizing player.

It wasn't negamax when I replied: He edited the original post, which is bad because it generates this kind of confusion.

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