Original post by Steadtler
Original post by Rydinare
You read numbers like that and it just reinforces the fact that the gaming industry pays way too low in comparison to other industries.
I dont follow you. Why would high money spend on advertising means that the game industry pay less than other industries. Advertisement budget has nothing to do with salaries. You think the movie industry doesnt spend on advertising? What was the advertisement budget on Windows 7 ? They spend on advertising because they get a good return. Advertisement works (sadly, people are easy to influence).
Besides, check the latest Game Developper report. The game industry pays really well for -qualified- people. I myself nearly doubled my revenue when I went from programming robots to programming games.
I dont get why so many people in here are trying to downtalk our industry so much.
Okay, well first, I think you may have read more into my post than what I actually said, so let me elaborate.
I've worked in the gaming industry, so first, I've experienced this before. People are willing to take considerably less to work in a gaming job than other jobs, despite often having more hours. Is this true for every gaming company? Probably not, but has certainly been what I and others have seen.
In my experience, the salary reduction is often anywhere from 10% - 30%. True everywhere? No. But, it is common enough to be noted. This has nothing to do with being qualified, in my experience. Paying well and paying competitively well are two different things. I would say that your success in doubling your salary is not the norm.
As for advertising, it simply follows proportions. If the company is spending only 20% in development, then raising developer salaries 10% is almost negligible. The 10% salary boost would only increase total costs for the project 2%. Simple proportions.
Overall, seeing that so much is being spent on advertising when at many shops, developers are spending most of their lives working through the project and getting paid subpar salaries is kind of disturbing to me.