Original post by Bladerz666 this isn't really a rant or a full blown idea.there aren't any popular zombie MMOs on the go at the moment and I simply ask, why?
what do you think? technical issues (lag?)? design issues? let me know what you think, and, if you're feeling nice,, offer ideas for what you would like to see in a zombie MMO.
In case you are using google, then when you would have typed "zombie mmo" there, it would have shown quite some results ;)
Instead of playing in a post-apocalyptic world... What if we make it pre-apocalyptic.
*raises hands in defense* Hear me out...
First, apart from current discussion, I don't want to play a survivor. I want to play a zombie. A brainless, instinctual, fast, quick, zombie. It's my "thing".
Second, let's pretend that zombies evolve. That would explain our character development; maybe we get bigger, stronger, faster. A good example of this would be a zombified version of Prototype. Doesn't explain our lack of intellect though. Maybe you're a special breed of zombie?
Now, onto the game:
The earth is big. Like, seven billion people big. Oceans separate us. What about: -Using procedural content generation to populate the world -You are one of the few people to start the end of days -You spread and infect other zombies (a mix of players and NPCs) -You move to other cities -It would be more a "sandbox" mmo.
This solves: -Explaining and justifying few people
Problems: -What's the endgame? -What happens when everyone's dead?