Why should people learn to program?
I am doing a speach on why people should learn to program. I just need some more sources becuaes its required to have 5 sources on the subject and I have to talk for 5 to 8 min on why people should learn to program.
Can any one help with this?
Try searching on terms for Computer Literacy. You could also check out User Error: Resisting Computer Culture. The author tends to repeat herself A LOT, blames programmers for far too much, and prescribes wholly untenable solutions to the problems she identifies, but that doesn't make the problems any less real.
[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]
I was thincking more along the lines what would be postive things that people would gain if they learned ho to program
My intimation was that it would help people address the issues mentioned in the book.
[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]
People should learn to program because programming = thinking logically and it would be nice if people thought logically.
It is not within human nature to think logically. It is a trait that must be learned. :)
I would have to agreee but if someone thinks too logicaly then some times they miss the point
People should learn to program if they want to create, understand or modify an application (either personal reasons, prototyping ideas or as a career). Short of that or to satisfy curiosity, I can't think of any other reason why someone SHOULD learn to program.
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I can honestly say that most (CS and non-CS) college courses have been probably five times easier for me than most of my peers simply because I had such extensive programming experience from junior high and high school. It taught me two things: (1) how to think logically; (2) how to teach myself new material. Most college students can't do either upon entering college.
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