
Master vs. Junior Programmer

Started by April 20, 2010 05:39 AM
8 comments, last by Tom Sloper 14 years, 9 months ago
Hi everyone, I read a lot about the choice whether to do a Bachelor or doing it by yourself here. But I didnt find a suitable topic about how important a Master-Degree really is. In a few months I'll get my Bachelor-Degree in Computer Science and although I'm actually sure that I want in the industry, there still is a good opportunity of getting a Master-Degree in less than three years. First I have to say: I am from Germany. Right after school at the age of 19 I started studying Computer Science and in the age of 23 I will complete it. In this time I learned a lot (but of course not enough) about c++-Programming and I visited several GameDevelopment-Courses. Playing games is my passion since I was about five years old and after my experiences in studying I am now certain that game development is the thing I want to do. What I DID NOT learn was how to differ which parts of my studies are really important. For now, I want to go in the industry in order to yield some important practical experiences for at least a six month internship. Staying at my university and continue studying for the Master-Degree would be easy and comfortable. But I have serious doubts about how profitable that would be, because I visited every game development course there is available and I think three years of work experience would be more profitable. Besides, I dont want that easy and comfortable way because nothing worth having comes easy. Another idea would be a GameDevelopment-specific university, but I definitly cannot afford that - neither in the U.S. nor in Germany. How common is it to do your master while (or in between) you are working? Is there any financial aid possible? I read a few lessons on sloperama and right now I want to not add a Master-Degree and work as a Junior Programmer for the next years. A few years later I could add a Master-Degree whether besides working or in between or after... because I actually like studying. But is it really necessary anyway? Thanks for your attention! I hope this isnt a repeating topic. Greetings, Dominik
While salary surveys show that within the software development industry as a whole those with a graduate degree such as a master's get 5 to 10 per cent more salary, money is not the only consideration.

Few people who have been in the work force are willing to give up the benefits of employment to go live like a student for a few years while they get another degree. You are better off getting a Master's now before you taste the sweet sweet fruits of paid labour. Especially if you enjoy studying and academics, because that is an end in itself and hard to come by in the working world (unless you get a job teaching at a university).

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

Original post by Dominik
1. How common is it to do your master while (or in between) you are working?
2. Is there any financial aid possible?
3. is it really necessary anyway?

1. It isn't common.
2. I don't know. Probably, since "anything is possible."
3. What, you mean getting a Masters? No, it isn't "necessary." If you want to get one, then fine, get one. If you want to but can't, then don't.

-- Tom Sloper --


1. It isn't common.
2. I don't know. Probably, since "anything is possible."

You are better off getting a Master's now before you taste the sweet sweet fruits of paid labour.

That was indeed very helpful, thanks for the responses! Then I'll go with an internship first. But sorry, I have another question concerning this:
I think it is better doing my internship directly after getting Bachelor. Thus, I can easily do six months without taking a vacation semester. Otherwise I could do an internship during my semester break - but at the most of three months.
Well, I would 'lose' half a year, but I think it is a better idea doing this 6-month internship now than finishing my Masters half a year earlier. What do you think?

3. What, you mean getting a Masters? No, it isn't "necessary."

I asked because there are rumors here that in a few years you probably wont get any job without having a master.
If you get a job now (or very soon), then in a few years it won't matter, because they will be so impressed by your (hint) work ethic and great programming.
Regards, Darkcrobat
I asked because there are rumors here that in a few years you probably wont get any job without having a master.

Where did you hear that? I'm "in the industry" and have never heard anyone saying anything like that. Usually you only need a degree to get your CV past the HR "gatekeepers", the person actually doing the hiring will be much more interested in examples of your work and how you come across in an interview than in paper qualifications.

Most of my colleagues do not have a masters degree (as far as I know) :)

edit: Maybe by "here" you are talking about general employment situation in Germany? I originally thought you were talking about "here"="games community / gamedev", I don't know anything about what's happening in Germany :)
Original post by vaudev
there are rumors here that in a few years you probably wont get any job without having a master.

Hadn't heard those rumors here.

-- Tom Sloper --


edit: Maybe by "here" you are talking about general employment situation in Germany? I originally thought you were talking about "here"="games community / gamedev", I don't know anything about what's happening in Germany :)

Nono :) I was talking about students at my university and Computer Science in general. There are a few branches where you do need a master, but in GameDev I wasnt sure. Well, now I am - thanks everyone for the useful responses!
Remember to consider the rumour source. The university has a vested interest in keeping as many of their students on to do masters as they can.
Original post by vaudev
thanks everyone for the useful responses!


-- Tom Sloper --

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