
Verifying a CString element as int?

Started by August 07, 2001 10:00 AM
-1 comments, last by Zeke 23 years, 6 months ago
I have a CString that is formatted like this: CharacterName_NumDirections_NumPoses for example take Mario who has 4 directions and 6 poses that can be displayed: Mario_04_06 I need to find out whether the values for NumDirections and NumPoses are integers. So i have a function that takes in a CString and I want it to return true if that CString is Mario_04_06 and false if the cstring is Mario_LF_GG or something. I can test for the character ''_'' however the CharacterName might be Mario_Evil_WolfForm_04_06 or something. So my question is how can my program differentiate between Mario_04_06 and Mario_LF_fD? Thanks for any help
Just my thoughts take them as you will. "People spend too much time thinking about the past, whatever else it is, its gone"-Mel Gibson, Man Without A Face

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