In a different area of the game the AI.
I realize it is too hard to make a truly great AI for every monster and npc in the game. What I plan to do is have each time a monster kills an PC have its kill counter go up at a certain number of kills it will gain to a level of 1 or more if it gets more kills or better kills. at this point it will get a better algorithym and a memory area depending on its level so the ones that do really good can become accual forces in the game, maybe even add recruiting to there skills at a certain level( make it possible for an orc or something to become an orc chieftain sort of.
I think that over time this would make some nice enemies in the game and give real incentives to go on a dragon hunt after a high level one (hoards can be made from kills treasure. Ultima did this for a little while and it was decent, went about it wrong though.) : hoards and xp values would get larger over time.
also though this would be hard to add I want to add Trees as a true part of the terrain, not just obstacles. I think climbing would add something for archers, and some monsters.
I believe thats why archers have never been very good in most games, they haven't been able to use terrain to their advantage.
I would also have to make fireballs and torchs burn trees(could be chancy even if they can't climb hehe).
If you have any ideas or refinements on mine please tell me. I want to get it as good as I can.
By the way I am planning to program an RPG with some of these concepts if you would like to help I am under the Announcements Page (Newbie programmers are welcome.)!