Quote: Original post by ChurchSkizQuote: Original post by LockePickQuote: It was also the only option that allowed them to continue working for the past 5 years, better that then nothing, right?
Sure, and "better than nothing" is exactly what they got. The problem is that "nothing" is not a particularly high bar to shoot for.
Didn't we just have this entire discussion recently? Everyone should be well aware that 'fan projects' that involve remaking or imitating games is a bad idea and totally unnecessary. Nothing was stopping them from cutting ties with the King's Quest franchise and just making a similar style of game. People clone games all the time (see: Dante's Inferno).
I agree. Being a KQ fan myself, the story was never that compelling to me. They could have made a point and click style clone and called it Prince's Adventure and I don't think anyone would have cared.
And anyone is suppose to care anymore about some fan made clone of King's Quest?
Whenever I hear that someone is doing "Fan art", especially "Fan Fiction", the first thing it screams to me is "Not smart enough to pick their own character names."
True, there is some great fan art out there, and writing 'in style' is a great exercise that I've done many times as projects to improve my creative writing skills, but it still doesn't make the bulk of it worth even as toilet paper. Fact is most that gets printed is done on really bad paper you don't want to use anyway.
If they are dedicated, then rebrand the game, pick through existing assets and use what they can, delete what is clearly "King's Quest", and move on to actually DO something.