To reply to the original post of nullsquared: It seems like you're on the right track as far as logic is concerned. Keep thinking for yourself. Your approach was correct for the case where cos x \neq 0, and the final statement is meaningless / ill-defined for the case where cos x = 0. So while you could have made this more precise, your solution is exactly as valid as the teacher's.
You are also right that, in order to prove something, you have to start at a trivially true statement and work your way up from there.
As others have already pointed out, this can all be made much clearer by using implication arrows. A good proof should look like this:
A (trivially true)=> B=> C=> D (what you want to prove)
(Of course, the implication arrows are not always written down explicitly, but you should think of them as always being there implicitly.)
Whereas the proofs you've shown look like this:
D<= C<= B<= A
Now in many cases when dealing with equations, your transformations are actually equivalences (or "if and only if), i.e.:
D<=> C<=> B<=> A
which justifies this mode of working at least sometimes.
However, while working backwards is often useful for
finding a proof, I would strongly advise against writing proofs down in this "wrong" order. The reason is that it is
very easy to make mistakes when working in the wrong order by thinking that some statements are equivalent when they're really not. As an assistant, I see even masters level students of mathematics making really stupid and unnecessary mistakes when trying to write down proofs in the "wrong" order (heck, even professors of mathematics aren't immune). It's best if you just try to keep the proof structure straightforward, flowing only from true to true statements using implications in the forward direction.
(Like all rules, this rule may be broken, but never ignored. And as long as you're not sufficiently advanced, you should probably never break it. That your teacher writes down proofs in the wrong order is a potential sign of a bad teacher. He should have at least explained these proof-order issues.)