Quote: Original post by EmergentI can think of a few ways to do it. One could be that all units that have line-of-sight to each other define a single "flock" and each "flock" generates their own path. Another one would be that when two or more units are touching (or close enough) they define a flock. When creating the path, any units within x units of the nearest flock will first move to join the flock before following the path as well.
That's what I figure whatever they do must reduce to most of the time, but you can imagine situations where this would fail, so I'm guessing they must actually be doing something a little more robust. For instance, suppose you have a group of units selected across a ravine, and units on the different sides must follow very different paths to reach the same goal; something must be done to deal with cases like this.
It's certainly not easy, and they seem to have done a fantastic job. The bit right at the end of the video where the zerg swarm the enemy base, destroying it in seconds is awesome.