Quote: Second, Vancouver WTF?? Could you be any more lazy? The last olympics were hosted in Beijing. A city that literally transformed itself with billions of dollars of spending just so that it could wow the world with technology and architecture and culture. Followed by a city that barely swept the street...
Oh yeah, Beijing was impressive. Did you know how badly they fucked up the people of that city holding that fancy show? Vancouver's waste is awful enough; China's waste was literally outright murder. Every impressive feat was done at the expense of millions of the poor. You're talking about one momentary bright spot in a very dark, dark country with hundreds of millions of suffering people (many times more than Canada's entire population). Also, even with all that insane spending they still had to fake a lot of the media coverage.
Yeah, go China! You're thousands of times more evil than us, but you built a really big stadium to impress Americans with! Attitudes like that are why the Olympics are so fucked up to begin with. Thanks so much for your opinion.
As a side note, television sports networks sure are awful at covering sports. I don't want to see your stupid "control center" with your pinhead announcers, I want to see some bloody athletes. Argh! So hard to find coverage of the actual events.