
looking for feedback

Started by November 25, 2009 11:07 AM
11 comments, last by ETphonethishome 14 years, 11 months ago
There is no grass. I'm lost. I also fixed the walls in the deep water a long time ago to look better, so that's taken care of.
C++: Where your friends have access to your private members
It's not a bad start. To be honest, I'm not a fan of the MS paint look. It's pretty easy to tell that the drawings were done free hand with a mouse. The best advice i can give is to start over (not saying it's terrible or anything, but i would think of this as a first draft if you want the final product to look really nice.). If you're any good a drawing by hand, I would start with a few sloppy sketches, and then draw a larger version of the huts and objects. If you use up a whole sheet of an 8 by 11 paper, it'll be harder to make mistakes. Once done, scan it into your computer and use it as a template to draw over. make sure to draw shadows and highlights for a real look. And it can never hurt to take a look at some pics on google image of some real huts and villages for inspiration.

Maybe if you're really crafty, you can create a tile system that can allow you to make all sorts of buildings simply by putting together parts, kind of like building lego's. It could also make it easier to lay out paths and boundaries.

Throw in some random patches of flowers, grass, bushes, or anything else you can think up to fill in some of the empty spaces around the edges of the map's boarders.

one more think, you're "grass" lookes more like green tinted water.
Video Game design Student interests: Photoshop 3DSMAX iPhone indie games Beta / QA
oops, one more think if I'm not being to critical. try to keep the images all relative to the angle at which you are looking down at the map.

The walls are drawn as if you are looking down at them from about a 45 degree angle, but some of your other tiles, like the dirt patches, some buildings, and even the grass, is drawn as if you are looking straight down at them. An easy fix for the flat/ground level images would be to just squeeze them down vertically, but for the buildings and fences and whatnot, you're gonna want to lean them forward a bit in your drawing. Keep in mind that you want it to look like you are looking at the object from the front and slightly above.
Video Game design Student interests: Photoshop 3DSMAX iPhone indie games Beta / QA

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