
NV extensions in OpenGL in Linux

Started by July 25, 2001 04:08 AM
5 comments, last by CyCoDaD 23 years, 2 months ago
Which Nvidia extensions are not part of the Linux driver? What i can see after listing supported extensions on my Linux / Geforce2 GTS system, I have 4 NV extensions while reading other forums there should be about 20.
I think that all extensions is part of the linux driver. How did you listed the supported extensions?
If you use a port of NeHes tutorial 25 or run "gears -info" can you verify that nothing is missed. I do not know the exact number but certainly more than 4.
glXQueryExtension(Display *disp, int screen);

It returns a string of some kind, but I can''t be arsed to work out how to use it right now.

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I tried the NeHe Lesson 25 progrma and it reports 52 supported extensions, but only 4 where there is NV in the extension.

As I have seen other NV extensions beibg talked about on the windows driver.

Btw I get 11fps on my 1.1GHz Thunderbird with GTS 32MB in that lesson.

Aswell as it reports Mesa X11 not Nvidia in the OpenGL drive.

Have I made a installation error wiht the GL libs?
AFAIK all NV extensions are supported on linux. Maybe do you need the NVidia SDK?

As for your FPS, you must remove mesasoft (and only mesasoft) from your computer, then switch to nvidia HW drivers (switch2nvidia_glx IIRC).

Hope this helps
Yes, it seems like you have not installed the drivers correctly. Both the speed and missing extensions (not to mention the vendor string ) clearly indicates that you are using Mesa without any hardware support.

Download the drivers from NVidia and install them replacing Mesa.
NVidia offers a complete OpenGL implementation and so does Mesa. I belive that you get the last installed.

Solved it last night, I noticed that SDL chose Mesa GL libs in /usr/local/lib before Nvidias in /usr/lib.

Now i got descent fps , around 300 on nehe lesson 25

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