Original post by josh1billion The recent (DS) Pokemon games have a helpful feature: whenever you load a saved game (or maybe it's just if it's an older save file; I can't remember for sure), the game takes a moment, before you gain control of your character, to show screenshots, with captions, of about a half-dozen important events you recently completed. Perhaps something like "Fought Mewtwo and won! / Flew to Pallet Town / Visited the Pokemon Center."
That is cool. Like *puts on deep TV presenter voice* "Previously, on Pokemon:". Alone in the Dark 2008 did this as well, with little "previously, on alone in the dark" videos to watch if you'd loaded an old save.
Zelda was/is pretty good at keeping you on track. I've not played much of Twilight so I wouldn't know if that little thing is used the same was Navi was. But still, I liked the way it reminded you where you should be going, I just wish Navi didn't have the urge to tell you every five minutes should you decide to go exploring or side questing.
My current game: MMORPGRTSFPSRLG. Read: Some sort of mmorpg with a special something that will make everyone want to play but I wont tell you what it is.
Status: Pre-Production, Game Design
Team Openings: None
For serious though, my goal is to create a MMO. What kind? Not sure yet. MMO games are my passion and it's a goal of mine to change the industry for the better. Do I know it's an unrealistic goal? Yes. Do I care? Heck no.
If you ever need someone to bounce ideas off of, feel free to contact me.
Original post by jackolantern1 If you are talking about Sacred 2 on PS3, the PC version had a map and quest system similar to any modern MMO. It pretty much pulls you around from place-to-place. Does the PS3 version not have map quest locations marked? Or are you talking about a different game?
PS3 Sacred 2 has a quest log with progress tracking and a map/minimap/compass pointing you towards the next objective. Maybe the OP did not discover it yet?
But then I'm playing FFVII for the first time ever right now (yes, it's old, I know) and I can definitely relate to the OP's feelings.
Keep one of those yellow sticky pads next to your console and write down a quick note next time you turn your game off. In general I find that games tend to be written such they propel you in a forward direction anyways. The only times I've needed any kind of notes is when you're doing the needle in a heystack missions where the needle is a person or thing whose location will never be repeated after the first time you hear it. So, back in the old days before mission logs I used to keep notes in a book. It wasn't that painful.
Two things I wish I had in games like this (since I often try to come back to games after months off) are:
-Optional recap after load. Like the "previously on" recaps for TV shows. There would be a brief cinematic sequence built out of events you've done (at least the main storyline and important side quests). The problem with this is that it doesn't scale easily, so it's more of a polish feature once the game is finished (and DLC would need additional cinematics/voice acting if they were to support this feature). This wouldn't be a long sequence, just a quick recap.
-Quest/Story log. Just some log in order of completion of the main quest and story driven side quests. Most games have this, but it would be cool to be able to sort by chronological completion.