
Freelance work...

Started by July 22, 2001 10:50 AM
2 comments, last by DarkCoder2020v 23 years, 3 months ago
Does anyone know how I should go about acquiring freelance work? I''d be interested in taking up a freelance game project, as I''ve previously written several games. Also, freelance article writing on the subject of games development would also be of interest. My e-mail address is for anyone who is interested in hiring me.
[You know what I''m sayin'', you know I''m insane...]
From what I''ve seen, you have to beat the bushes on your own to land freelance work. It seldom just lands in your lap.

For programming or similar work, you have to find a company looking for someone like you, then convince them to let you work remotely (assuming that''s what you''re wanting).

For freelance writing, you have to submit inquiries to places who might be interested in the ideas you have. They''re usually too busy to *ever* solicit writers, so you have to open up the conversation yourself.

Samu Games
this rent-a-coder stuff looks very interesting.
anyone here who made some money with this??

p.s. look at this one from rentacoder:

"a software that allows rotates the screen output by 90 degrees so it can be viewed properly when lying in bed"

is this crazy sh** or what :-)))

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