
Game Idea - Feedback Please

Started by October 14, 2009 04:27 PM
11 comments, last by XoADreadnought 15 years, 4 months ago
Name: "COMPROMISED" Description: Can be in 3D or 2D. Has an RTS omniscient camera that can move freely of the character and can move across the map. Game Description: A simple concept woven into a complex, but intensely fun game. You control one “hero” character but can control multiple units at once in specific circumstances. You are one of many officers inside a base that is being besieged by aliens. These aliens have found a way of infiltrating the base to sabotage its defenses. This saboteur may be you, or any of the other human controlled “heroes” in the game. In addition, the infested player can be of any rank. Essentially, it is random, but one or two people are infested (The number of infested is based on the number of people playing). You are alerted at the immediate start of the game whether or not you are infested. The basic goal of the game is… if you are human; find and destroy the infested players while defending the base from outside alien attacks… if you are infested; sabotage the base and infest the human players to add allies and infest or kill all human hero units to win the game. At the start of the game, after you are notified that you are human or infested, you will be able to select the type of hero unit you want. Each one has unique abilities and can make or break your team’s chances of survival and victory. After unit selection, you are placed in a random location in the human base to begin the game. You must collect supplies and go outside of the base to protect it from wave after wave of alien attackers. At the same time, you need to figure out who is infested. This is possible by their behavior and actions. Infested cannot attack the aliens and vice versa as they are brethren. The infested will also need to infest others or take over the base. Sometimes, the specific items they are holding can clue in on their status. If they have c4, they may be attempting to blow up the lieutenants’ door to take over control of the turrets, cameras and reinforcements after all. It is important to note that the human players can kill anyone that they think is infested, but to prevent team killing for “fun”, if a human kills another human, they are sent to jail. They can easily be killed while in jail, or infested, as they lose all of the items they have acquired when going to jail. This makes it easy to infest them, or to come kill them. Although if you are human, and you kill the person in jail, you will then be put in jail. The only way to be released from jail is if one of the few sergeants or the lieutenant releases you, or if someone who has managed to acquire c4 lets you out. Also notable is that the lieutenant is susceptible to the same exact rules as anyone else, and will go to jail for killing innocents. This will prevent abuse from the Lieutenant who can set turrets against players he thinks or knows are infested. Essentially, there are two sections to the map. One is an outside section where aliens attack in waves, and the other is inside the base. The base in the place to restock on items but can also be breached by aliens in several ways and sabotaged. There are several small places that aliens can spawn in from inside the base when sabotaged correctly, but the aliens from the outside cannot walk freely into the base through the doors that the human controlled players use. This is because there is a shield surrounding the base. The base is impenetrable. The base cannot be penetrated until the shield is sabotaged, such as turned off or destroyed. This will make the inside much less safe for the remaining humans and survival would be much more difficult, therefore protecting these things would behoove the humans and destroying them would behoove the infested. Overall victory is achieved when all humans are killed or infested or when all infested are killed. Ranks: Private- If you are given the rank of Private, you will be given access to limited resources and only a few rooms in the base. Sergeant- If you are given the rank of sergeant, you will be given access to all of the rooms in the base except the leaders room. These ranks are responsible for getting higher security items to privates and looking for the infested player Lieutenant- There is one person who is given the rank of Lieutenant. He has access to the camera systems of the base and everything else. He even has access to reinforcements (smaller less powerful units that he can control). He technically can be the infested player, and when he is, it makes for a challenging experience. Infested (any rank)- This is the antagonist of the game. You are given a rank just like anyone else. Your job is to sabotage the human base and infest or kill the other humans. You need to be extremely secretive and avoid doing or saying anything suspicious. Units:(Each person controls one of these units that they select at the beginning of the game. It is essentially your "hero" unit. There can be two of each class of units, but the infested are not counted in this 2 unit limit, so an infested player can be the third of a unit type.) Medic: capable of healing itself and other human units. It can test human units to see if they are infested. Soldier: the strongest human unit. It is capable of strong attacks and strong defense. Scout: capable of using invisibility devices for a short time. Weak armor and medium damage. Tank: the heavy mechanical unit. Stronger than soldiers, but slower too. Mech Suit: the repair unit of the mechanical units. It can heal mechanical units and test mechanical units for infection. Drone: capable of laying turrets and mines for defense by using it’s special abilities. It has light damage and medium armor. Evolved Units: (Units that only infested can become. The infested can mutate from their human forms into alien forms that are stronger and more capable of head on attacks on the humans. Essentially, if you no longer need stealth, and everyone has discovered that you are infested, then you can mutate into something stronger that can take on 1 or more human units more effectively.) Raptor: a deadly alien that is fast and deadly, but weak in defense. Golem: a powerful alien that sacrifices speed for defense. Capable of taking and inflicting heavy damage. Ethereal: This monster can become invisible for short periods of time, and it’s special attack allows it to become impervious to damage, where it looks like a ghost, while still attacking its enemies. It has a fair speed, but low damage and health. credit: A somewhat similar idea was created as a Starcraft mod for Warcraft by IHATEHIPPIES, but never explored further than a simple scenario. Credit goes to him for an interesting basis for an idea. I plan on modifying this idea to make it unique, but he will always deserve credit for the inspiration. [Edited by - XoADreadnought on October 16, 2009 9:10:33 PM]
A couple of questions / comments:

What stops you from walking the medic around to visit everybody systematically?

What are players in jail supposed to do while they wait? (You seriously don't expect them to just sit there, right?)

What stops you from bringing everyone outside to confront the aliens and then executing those that don't fire?

In squad based games you tend to have a solidarity with your friends. I'm not sure the idea of having to turn on your friends works here, as would probably happens if one in a group of several friends became infected.

Also, it looks like you're designing a game meant to have tense situations of conversation and conflict (shades of what's seen in Aliens or the remake of The Thing). Yet I can't see this squaring well with a game where you're meant to shoot. How do you communicate quickly when aliens can be attacking unless they attack in predictable waves?
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Oh, no! This isn't a squad based game at all. You have a hero character. You control one man. A medic can go around and test all players, that is a risk. There can only be two of every character. So the infested may actually be a medic, but either way, he has to watch out for the other medics. Actually, if the infested is a medic, he can go around and test others and tell them that those people are clean, and that he has tested them, so he conceals his identity that much longer. There are various noise cues however to tell players when an infested player has been tested somewhere on the map.

Yes players in jail will have to wait. Thats the point. If they kill a human, they are punished dutifully. It worked exceptionally well when in a mod form on Warcraft. Players almost never killed humans because they didn't want to sit in jail, and if they did, they were punished, but if the other players trusted them, then someone would make a v-line to save them to help continue the fight against the infested. Also, going to jail proves that the person is human as infested cannot go to jail.

Also, you can't bring everyone outside, they have a mind of their own. Each character is controlled by a human and it is impossible to force everyone outside. Based on the character classes, they may be able to kill you if you try to force them, and if they are infested, well, game over for you and they are that much closer to winning.

Original post by XoADreadnought
Also, you can't bring everyone outside, they have a mind of their own. Each character is controlled by a human and it is impossible to force everyone outside. Based on the character classes, they may be able to kill you if you try to force them, and if they are infested, well, game over for you and they are that much closer to winning.
You could still performa variation, where all the non-infected players leave the base, and anyone who either doesn't fire, or doesn't exit the base, must be infected.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

Original post by swiftcoder
Original post by XoADreadnought
Also, you can't bring everyone outside, they have a mind of their own. Each character is controlled by a human and it is impossible to force everyone outside. Based on the character classes, they may be able to kill you if you try to force them, and if they are infested, well, game over for you and they are that much closer to winning.
You could still performa variation, where all the non-infected players leave the base, and anyone who either doesn't fire, or doesn't exit the base, must be infected.

That's the risk for the infested. In fact, it is not wise for every single human to go outside. There is only a need for a few of these people. However, the infested will have to weigh the option of moving outside into the battle. Two important things I may have omitted. No player can shoot while moving, so he can move through aliens without suspicion because he physically can't shoot then. Another important thing I omitted is the structure of the outside section of the map. The inside (the base) is represented by a small model of the outside of the base. There are several outposts outlining the base that defend it automatically from attack. The weapons at these outposts are automated with a small level of control from the leader who can turn it against people he thinks are infested. These outposts mean the infested can move outside and not be in the range of the aliens that would require him to shoot so he is not going to raise suspicions in that manner. Eventually, the outposts will fall if players don't defend them, however.

How long do you expect matches to last?

I think if these are supposed to be short quick matches, it might be too complicated. Long matches might make waiting in jail pretty boring. What if no one comes to let you out?
-)------ Ed
Original post by SigmaX

How long do you expect matches to last?

I think if these are supposed to be short quick matches, it might be too complicated. Long matches might make waiting in jail pretty boring. What if no one comes to let you out?

If no one comes to get you, the infested probably will. He can infest you and you can't defend yourself. Once you turn, he will let you out. It would behoove him to "rescue" you. Also, it would be in the best interest of the humans to rescue you if they think you can be trusted. If they don't think you can be trusted, then you are a team killer who deserves to rot in jail. Trust me the system worked perfectly in the mod. There's no reason to suspect it wouldn't work in a stand alone game. It was the perfect way to discourage team killing and actually tactics from humans in finding the real infested. without the jail, people will go around killing each other until they hopefully kill the infested player which ruins the game entirely. There has to be repercussions for someone being a jerk.

Also, matches should last anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour. If the infested is quickly discovered because he/she does not deceive others well, then they may or may not get killed quickly. However if the infested is smart, then the game will become an extremely strategic back and forth battle with possible only one man left standing, or one infested.
After briefly skimming the description, it sounds like it might be a good party/parlor game, reminiscent of Mafia.
Thanks for all the feedback and questions so far guys. I am glad you guys questioned the jail idea. It could be modified. Any suggestions? But as for removing it all together, i don't like that at all, because of the heavy team kill factor. If people are given the means to ruin a game for others, then they will. Just look at what happened to Gears of War 2. I think the jail is necessary, but a modification may be in order. Also, other feedback would be welcome!
It sounds a lot of fun, but gameplay is a little hard to visualise. Do you have a link to the Warcraft III mod? I might see if I can dig out my game disks over the weekend.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

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