
WRITERS REJOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Started by October 06, 2009 11:48 PM
3 comments, last by Sneftel 15 years, 4 months ago
WWLW Writer's Who Love Writing Sounds Funny? Too Many Do It For Money Even Whores Need The Feeling More Than The Money Sometimes...but not often Share idea's Share the ugly beauty of disagreements
my idea for movie treatment or game console

1. A little girl wakes up one morning with the ability to stop time as long as she wants.
2. She never learns why
3. She never tells anyone
4. She ages with each use
5. The story begins with her being 14
6. She has difficulty deciding when to use power

anyone got any ideas please share

ill give ideas on yours

Original post by BronxBrothers
my idea for movie treatment or game console
1. A little girl wakes up one morning with the ability to stop time as long as she wants.

Didn't you already post about this once before? It sounds familiar.

-- Tom Sloper --

hey Tom...go chase Jerry

leave the thinkin to me
ok kid
Uh huh. Why don't you mull things over for a week, and then come back and take a stab at being more coherent and less of a dick.

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