Quote: Original post by laeuchliQuote: Original post by LessBreadQuote: Original post by trzyQuote: Original post by LessBread
There are no good military options when it comes to dealing with Iran. The Iranian government has said that it will regard any military attack on their facilities as a declaration of war. It seems too obvious to have to point out, but most governments would respond that way if facilities in their nation were attacked by the military of another nation. Iran has bigger claws than Iraq did. How many lives is the effort to stop Iran worth?
I really don't know how many lives it is worth to stop Iran if it sets off a bomb, bringing the world closer to nuclear terrorism and inspiring an arms race among nations completely unfit for possessing nuclear arms. Maybe Sunnis in the middle east can help us decide. They'll be none too happy if the Persians invade them.
I would hope US strategists are competent enough to come up with a plan for pushing Iran's rivals in the region into fighting it directly if necessary, but given our misadventures over the last decade, I have my doubts.
Iran hasn't set off a bomb so hold your horses with the bloodlust. How many lives would be lost in a war with Iran? How many Iranians, Americans, Israelis, and Iraqis? Is preventing Iran from getting the bomb more important than those lives? Is preventing Iran from getting the bomb so important that we'll start a war to do so? Bombing Iran would start a war with Iran. It would expand the theater of the current wars. It would keep troops stuck in Iraq and lock in the continual drain on the national treasury. Oil prices will skyrocket. The economy will tank even further. The military option does not benefit the United States. It doesn't benefit the people of Iran either.
When Lessbread, the neo-cons in the DoD who thought invading Iraq was a smooth move, and the military top brass all agree that the military options with respect to Iran are poor...then that should give one pause for thought. If just about every group that normally cant agree on anything unite to agree that something is a bad idea, then maybe just, maybe it is...
LessBread for President!...?