
Looking for an interesting topic

Started by September 22, 2009 12:50 PM
0 comments, last by Calin 15 years, 1 month ago
Hi, so I'm currently on the verge of deciding what I would like to write about in my undergraduate paper. It should be something about game programming, but possibly also graphics programming, if it's not too difficult. It must be around 25 pages long, and I'm suddenly incredibly unsure what I would benefit the most from. AI topics are kind of taken already, at least pathfinding and "game agents". I thought about doing something with LOD (level of detail) or Scenegraphs. But I would much prefer game programming, instead of those. There are a few questions I can't answer myself: Physics is another large part of game programming, but most developers will use pre-existing libraries, won't they? I'm not particularly interested in it, i'ts just another topic that I thought, might be necessary for a game programming career. Same for network programming and multi core stuff I guess? What is most important to know? I don't have any tools programming experience yet either, maybe I should make some sort of model viewer? Do you have any suggestions (other game programming areas to explore maybe?) ? As you can see, I'm confused, any input is welcome. I might even do something that is not related to game programming, if it's interesting or promising enough. (since I just read something very negative about the hours game programmers usually have...I'm totally prepared to deal with that, I'm just saying that it adds another layer of stuff to think about)
If you want to keep in touch with gamedev augmented reality (known also as mixed reality).

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

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