
Is Solaris free?

Started by September 06, 2009 02:16 PM
0 comments, last by Setlec 15 years, 2 months ago
Hello! I don't quite understand the Solaris lincense. I mean, there is Solaris and OpenSolaris. I can also download Solaris, but then some pages sugesst I could require licenses. How does this work? Is Sloaris free or is it not free? I tried several linux distros, currently running ubuntu, some things are good, some things aren't so I thought I could give it a try with Solaris? Can I use it? I would like to have a Database server hosting my database which my customers access via .NET application. Can I do that? Am I entitled to do so? Or shall I use OpenSolaris from the start? I mean what's the difference anyway. I was able to download both from the offical page. Thank you in advance! Feel free to post.
No, Solaris isn't free, but you can download OpenSolaris and install it. OpenSolaris in the Open source version of Solaris but it isn't Solaris... I hope that my answer isn't too much confusing.

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