
Question about meshes in 3ds Max

Started by September 06, 2009 11:33 AM
2 comments, last by GuyZ 15 years, 3 months ago
Hi. I'm a coder and know very little about modelling in 3ds max. Can you guys help me, I have a model (say, a car) and it consists of 5 meshes (car body and 4 wheels), but I need it as a single mesh. Is there any way I could join those meshes into one?
Depends, I don't know your format requirements. You could join the mesh but it is most likely that the different meshes all use different textures. Your better of exporting it in a format that supports those 'submeshes' and multiple textures. You could also use maxscript and export to your own format.
if (*pYou == ASSHOLE) { pYou->Die(); delete pYou; };
In Max select the car and add an Edit Mesh modifier if it isnt already an edit mesh, after that in the menu on the right there will be an 'Attach' button, click that and then select your wheels, you will then have a single mesh.
okay. thanks, spookycat, I've joined them =)

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