
Can't find iostream.h

Started by July 16, 2001 02:07 AM
4 comments, last by avianRR 23 years, 2 months ago
I have a program I''m trying to write that needs iostream.h but it''s not on my system and I can''t find what rpm it''s in. Can anyone tell me where I can get this??? I''ve made sure all the following packages are installed... egcs-1.1.2-28mdk.i586.rpm egcs-cpp-1.1.2-28mdk.i586.rpm gcc-2.95.2-7mdk.i586.rpm gcc-c++-2.95.2-7mdk.i586.rpm gcc-cpp-2.95.2-7mdk.i586.rpm thxs,
------------------------------Piggies, I need more piggies![pig][pig][pig][pig][pig][pig]------------------------------Do not invoke the wrath of the Irken elite. [flaming]

Check if you have libstdc++-devel. If you don't check your installation CD or head out to RPMFind and grab it there

**Edit: Damn tag!<br><br>Edited by - Oluseyi on July 16, 2001 12:43:56 PM
Woah, it can''t find it??? That''s not good... Usually, I think the directory C++ includes are found in is /usr/include/g++-2 -- something similar anyway. As root, go cd to / and try find -name iostream.h. It should show where it is on your system. Strange that it''s not in your PATH though...

Got Slack?
Commander M
libstdc++-devel is there...
searches of my hard drive still come up with nothing...
a full install of linux on another machine that I just did, and selected EVERYTHING under development dosn''t have it eather...
Could this just be a problem with mandrake 7.1??? If so are ther any other places I could gat the files I need?
------------------------------Piggies, I need more piggies![pig][pig][pig][pig][pig][pig]------------------------------Do not invoke the wrath of the Irken elite. [flaming]
As CmndrM said, the C++ header files are installed under /usr/include/g++-3 (in RH7.1; g++-2 in older distros). Mandrake definitely has the headers included - I''ve used both 7.0 and 7.1. You say you included everything under development; are you sure? You didn''t select something that canceled that previous selection? Then that''s extremely odd...

The file is in the package libstdc++-devel. For good measure, make sure glibc-devel is installed as well. You can grab (up-to-date versions of) them at RPMFind. Just enter the package name - sometimes even the file name works, though not all files have been indexed.

Good luck.
Got it now! libstdc++-devel is the file I needed! I don''t have the "Mandrake 7.1 ext" cd and that''s the one it''s on so I didn''t have that rpm. Figured all the basic stuff like that would be on the main disk but it wasn''t. Thanks for the help. Now off to post some more questions...
------------------------------Piggies, I need more piggies![pig][pig][pig][pig][pig][pig]------------------------------Do not invoke the wrath of the Irken elite. [flaming]

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