
Pop goes the speakers.

Started by August 14, 2009 12:36 AM
8 comments, last by Terlenth 15 years, 2 months ago
So I'm curious if anyone else has come across this, as google tells me not what I require.. Every now and again my speakers start popping. Irrelevant of the current volume. I cant seem to find a pattern as to when the popping occurs, but I have found that my flatmate, has the same problem at the same time; which makes me think its some weird greater enivronmental issue. We have entirely different brands of speakers, sound cards ( Mines on-board, his is top of range ). I have 5.1, he has two speakers. =/ Edit: Oh, and it never seems to happen with my headphones.
Do you have a 2.4Ghz wireless phone or a cell phone near your computer?

Popping and other interference usually comes from poorly shielded wiring. You can try changing the wiring to a properly shielded type, adding RF chokes on either end of the wires or moving cellphones and other wireless devices away from the computer(s).

Is the popping rhythmic?
Could be the electrical current perhaps....

I remember when I had this air conditioner at home; everytime it started working my speakers would produce a pop sound too.
I second Programmer One's comments. Cell phones periodically "phone home", either to their tower or something else on their cell network. If you have any sort of unshielded speaker (computer speakers, baby monitors, etc), the RF emissions get picked up and turned into rapid popping sounds. With my phone, it only lasts a couple seconds and it's maybe an hour or so between when it occurs.

You probably don't need to bother with shielding if this is causing it. Moving the phone a few feet further away from the speakers should work.
Mine pop whenever my fridge turns on. Some electrical signal gets amplified by the amplifier of the boxes I guess. It could be something similar in your case.
Don't pour Pop Rocks and soda in your speakers, man. [wink]
while (tired) DrinkCoffee();
If i turn on or off the fan in my bathroom it will cause my amplifier to "go out" for just a second or so. Some kind of spike in the AC line. So any large power appliance in the area or on the same circuit as your sound system may be causing this. If so you should try running your pc and amp and speakers through a high quality audio power line conditioner, basically an expensive surge protector.
How uncanny.

My speakers were doing that just earlier on tonight, and that was before I opened this thread. I did have my mobile phone nearby but it was a different popping, like the cables weren't connected properly or something.

Was listening to a song and suddenly there's a pop, the volume goes up slightly and the bass kicks in.
I've seen this happen when you turn on/off large appliances or lights. The older the wiring the larger the chance for this to occur.

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The other option, though I'm not sure if you're experiencing this or not (I am however) are intermittent pops...

It's somewhat rhythmic but will go away occasionally. It's not quick but it's about a pop a second or so. If that's the case (at least from my limited understanding of speakers and what happened the last time I experienced it). Might be time for new speakers...

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