
help in alpha beta pruning

Started by August 02, 2009 01:58 AM
24 comments, last by mandar9589 15 years, 3 months ago
Can you please provide code for it, modified one. It will be better for me to understand
Please explain how to undo the move.
I have done with the break statement.
double minmax(int player, int column,double a,double b) {        double value=0,v=0;        if(columnHeight[column]>=HEIGHT)            return 0;        recurDepth++;        grid[column][columnHeight[column]]=player;        columnHeight[column]++;        if(fourInARow()>0) {            if(player==2)                value=MAX_RECURDEPTH+1-recurDepth;            else value=-MAX_RECURDEPTH-1+recurDepth;        }                 if(recurDepth<MAX_RECURDEPTH && value==0) {            value=MAX_RECURDEPTH+1;            for(int x=0; x<WIDTH; x++) {                if(columnHeight[x]>=HEIGHT)                    continue;                 v=-minmax(3-player, x,-b,-a);                                               if(value==(MAX_RECURDEPTH+1))                    value=v;                else if(player==2)                {                    if(value>v)                        value=v;                }                else if (v>value)                         value=v;                                     if(v>a)                {                        a=v;                }               else if(a>=b)                  break;                           }        }        recurDepth--;        columnHeight[column]--;        grid[column][columnHeight[column]]=0;        return value;    }

Do you know any forum which is active and helps other people and has many java users?

[Edited by - mandar9589 on August 4, 2009 10:06:21 AM]
Quote: Original post by mandar9589
Please explain how to undo the move.

        recurDepth--;        columnHeight[column]--;        grid[column][columnHeight[column]]=0;

Quote: Do you know any forum which is active and helps other people and has many java users?

No. I have no interest in Java whatsoever, so I wouldn't know if such a forum existed.
double minmax(int player, int column,double a,double b) {        double value=0,v=0;        if(columnHeight[column]>=HEIGHT)            return 0;        recurDepth++;        grid[column][columnHeight[column]]=player;        columnHeight[column]++;        if(fourInARow()>0) {            if(player==2)                value=MAX_RECURDEPTH+1-recurDepth;            else value=-MAX_RECURDEPTH-1+recurDepth;        }                 if(recurDepth<MAX_RECURDEPTH && value==0) {            value=MAX_RECURDEPTH+1;            for(int x=0; x<WIDTH; x++) {                if(columnHeight[x]>=HEIGHT)                    continue;                 v=-minmax(3-player, x,-b,-a);                                               if(value==(MAX_RECURDEPTH+1))                    value=v;                else if(player==2)                {                    if(value>v)                        value=v;                }                else if (v>value)                         value=v;                                     if(v>a)                {                        a=v;                }               else if(a>=b)                  break;                           }        }        recurDepth--;        columnHeight[column]--;        grid[column][columnHeight[column]]=0;        return value;    }

i did this but now it simply ignore win for other player.
Now you are mixing negamax code like
 v=-minmax(3-player, x,-b,-a);

with non-negamax code like
                else if(player==2)                {                    if(value>v)                        value=v;                }                else if (v>value)                         value=v;

Your "if - else if" logic is wrong as well.

At this point I will stop providing help. Learn how to use a debugger and try to figure things out yourself. You'll learn a ton more that way, and when you finally get it to work it will feel like a much more personal victory than if I sit here trying to patch your mistakes.
I must thank you for the priceless help u provided.

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