
Where to get a game server?

Started by September 18, 1999 10:49 AM
2 comments, last by 25 years, 5 months ago
If cost is not an issue then I would recommend getting a static ip from your isp. Hopefully with a cable or DSL connection.
I have used MudServices and MudGate with good results. Both setup their servers to run Linux. I know MudServices uses RedHat, but I forget what MudGate uses.

Our game Paintball NET is hosted by MudServices. Our other game Artifact is hosted by MudGate.

If you need Windows NT servers...I have no idea where to start looking.

Samu Games

[This message has been edited by DavidRM (edited September 01, 1999).]


I was just wondering if anyone knows a good place to find a server that will allow us to run our own server programs for multiplayer games. I don't want to run the server at my own home since I have a dynamic IP. I need a server where I can telnet into and run stuff in the background. Cost is not a factor. I just need to know who to contact to get such a machine.

Thanks in advance for any help!

I'd prolly say rent a server, or if you actualy know how to adminstrate a server, co-locate one... That way you have the full processor power, its on a T3 os DS3 instead of a cable (which can be as slow as a 56k at times) and you have total control over it. When you co-locate, you pay half the price, but you have to supply the computer. Theres lots of companies for each =)

The Silver Abyss
ICQ: 2825400

The Silver Abyss

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