
Idea for a RPG Skill System

Started by July 15, 2009 10:05 PM
1 comment, last by Kohake 15 years, 7 months ago
Good morning everybody. I was lying in my bed, couldn`t sleep and a idea popped into my mind. I have a idea for a classless skillsytem that could be very open and customizable. I try to make it short, and it would be nice of you if you give me your opinons on it. Here are the points: 1. You gain experience and in intervals you get skillpoints. 2. with one skillpoint you can buy a "marble". 3. each marble has one function. for example: a) target next mob b) make damage ( with equiped weapon) c) 1 point instant heal d) 1 point heal over time e) 1 point healed spreaded over your group f) 1 point fire/air/.. dmg g) increase range 1 foot and so on... 4. with each interval you get one "marble" slot more for your attacksystem. so with interval ( lets just say its a level) you get more flexible with what you want to achive. examples: full damage skill and your lvl 10 --->abbbbbbbbb or attack the next two mobs standing in your range --->abbbbabbbb or attack the next mob and heal yourself ( in some games its a necro leech) --->affffccccc or attack the mob in front of you with fire --->afffffffff or attack the mob 5 yards from you with fire --->agggggffff ( i thought of a range skill cause it would be unfair if you make the same dmg in range like in front of you ) please excuse my english. i am from germany. and sorry if I wasted your time. I just had to write this down :) So, what do you think of this? Would it be unbalanced? unfair?
Excuse my english, I am only German
Off-topic. This is a game design post, not a Writing post.

-- Tom Sloper --

I shall respond even though it's the wrong section. I think the base is a good idea, but it needs a lot of work. It's far to simple, and if you think about it, every skill starts with an "A", and why woudl you want more thna one "A"? Like, what would AAACDE do? Would I target my enemy 3 times, then heal myself for 1 Hp and anouther 1 Hp over time, and 1 Hp for every party memeber? And why would I ever use C insted of E? CCCCC heals me 5 Hp, but EEEEE heals my entier party 5 Hp. And what's up with DDDDD? 5 Hp over time? How long time?

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