Quote: Original post by Programmer One@Sirisian: You totally missed the point of Lord of the Flies.heh :P Nah, I read it in a literature class in HS, so I know all of the motifs and symbolism in the story. I just really didn't like it. I found the plot to be unrealistic, and many times while I was reading it I kept thinking to myself "yeah that wouldn't happen like that". One of the biggest parts was when they kill Simon for no reason after he's discovered the truth. Also the ending was really lame and anti-climatic with no explanation as to what happened about the murders. Wasn't my kind of book.
Oh yeah and some books that are hard to put down might be Lord of the Ring. I read those fairly quickly one after another when I was younger. At the time they seemed interesting, but I can't remember much about them. (The Hobbit is good too).