
New Multplayer Game Idea

Started by September 06, 1999 12:27 AM
-1 comments, last by Enforcer 25 years, 6 months ago
My name is Tom Mills and I have a game suggestion!!!

I would like to suggest an online or single player game which every
think would work BASED on the Old West.

I have drawn up many tables for Weapons,Charaters,Items and
many more
things like skills and such, terrain,weather and differnent type
buildings.I also have drawn up the story behind the game with it
open ended like UO.I am not a programmer,but I think this would
be a very
profitable game and wanted to contact you first because you
together when it comes to online gaming and you in my opinion are
the tops
in the industry.I think this game would be great and really hope to
from you soon.

I was wondering if anyone out there could help me

thanks tom

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