
Military Unit "Individual" Behavior

Started by July 17, 1999 05:10 PM
-1 comments, last by DavidRM 25 years, 7 months ago
I was just thinking about you this week, Ferretman...seems the Gamasutra message board has slowed down a bit... =)

My current project, Artifact, is struggling with a few fine-tuning issues related to automatic offense and defense of military units. The game is multi-player with no AI opponents. This eliminates a lot of the "goal oriented" behaviour that would otherwise be necessary, but it's still necessary for a player's troops to respond at least semi-intelligently. This is particularly important since the game is also "persistant" and your troops have to defend themselves even when you're not there to tell them what to do.

I'd love to swap some messages with you (and anybody else who's interested) on the topic, if you wouldn't mind. In this public forum it might also be of use to other developers.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Samu Games

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