Um, how the hell did this thread end up here? Ok... whatever... getting back on track...
I'm with Rust. I could write a whole lot of hooplah, but the gaming industry is changing. I don't like it. It sucks. Game are nothing what they used to be, just ask the hardcore gamers about that one. I'm sure there are thousands of very successful game developers here on this very forum, lending advice and all the rest, but what I hate is the lack of thinking behind it all.
A guy needs a book to help him sell his product. Something's wrong with that, and I feel ashamed I want to work in an industry, originally born of something vastly different to the rest of the world, that's now degenerated into a money hungry, 'pitch my product' to the businessman industry. We all need money to survive, but gaming gone business, is gaming no more.
You say, MikeD, that gaming is an underpaid, unthanked and stressful job. What a crock. Do you think the Id boys complain about money? Like everything in life, it can be stressful, but if you aren't thanked by those who are playing your games, you're either making the wrong ones or so far out of touch with the gaming world it isn't funny. I know of no one who is thanked more, and taken better care of by fans than the developers who come and spend time with them.
Anyway, yadda yadda yadda. What's gaming to you? For me, it's about making the best games. If I can do one thing in my entire life, it's to bring one moment of joy to the faces of those who see the work I do. Screw money. Screw big business, publishers, who falls, who survives. The games industry is NOTHING without great games. Eveything else is completely and utterly meaningless. Money is pointless without joy in your life, and I could care less about how many dickheads get sucked in by big business.
Ask yourself what it means, when thousands upon thousands of gamers complain again and again and again and again about the very thing you want for the gaming industry, MikeD. They hate big business. They hate patches and they want, more than anything else, to have gaming how it used to be. They want better games, not more of them.
You want things yourself, right? Sure, I've seen tons of guys on here who do the good old,
"We have an idea and might make some money!"
But what you don't realise is that the payment for gaming shouldn't be in the money. It is glory in achieving something. It is the looks on the faces of those who buy your games. It is their reaction, their thanks. Game developers seem to be a greedy lot. (the ones I've seen lately, anyway) They want money, they want thanks, and they want the game they're doing to be successful. They want everything.
They just seem to forget, they're robbing the gamers-- They very people who support them in the first place. Think about it. If you had a real love and passion for gaming, you'd understand what I'm saying. On this forum, it always seems to be 'money this, and money that'. It shouldn't be.
That's the decision I've come to. I'm not going to go crawling to anyone. I'm not going to sell my product with a sales pitch. I'm going to go into the industry with a passion and see what happens. Money is something that will come, when I have damned well earned it, and if I have to work cleaning toilets until I've reached that point, so be it. But, I'll be a better gamer for it, because I didn't have to do it the big business way. 'Nuff said.