
regarding square vs iso

Started by December 28, 1999 11:40 AM
-1 comments, last by 25 years, 2 months ago
As a graphic artist, to some extent, I would never work on a game using squares. When you compare the graphics between a game with squares vs one with isometric well the difference is quite clear. It's the fact that you get a different angle when looking at the whole map that allows for a 3d illusion. The whole map is rotated so you get a perspective in which you can have walls on the house not just a roof. It's that rotation effect that really sends out that 3d image. Though they are probably a bit slower... any more every computer being made is pretty capable of handling them. Soon we will be using pure particle systems... so why degrade the computer power is going up not down. You are not going to loose much by going with isometric as opposed to square tiles.
icq 33345422

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